
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Makin' Waffles

Since we had not made waffles in what seemed like an eternity, we decided that there was no time like the present to break out the waffle maker and rectify that situation!

Homemade waffles: We'll take these over Eggo any day!  
We hope you had a wonderful Sunday. 
Sweet dreams, dear friends.
We'll see you tomorrow.  

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yep, We're Crazy!

So it may be beyond cold out but did that stop us from heading to Old Sturbridge Village to see the Fire and Ice event today? Heck, no!  We are after all,  hearty New Englanders. Hearty intelligent New Englanders who know well enough to dress in lots of layers!

The car thermostat read 10 degrees.  Upon arrival at OSV it said 9. Hmmm..maybe we should reconsider this brilliant absolutely stupid idea of ours.

Sadly, when we went to present our membership card, the woman behind the counter told us that they were not harvesting ice today (the whole reason we braved the bitter temperatures in the first place) due to the Army Corps of Engineers flooding the river (or something like that) earlier in the week. Bummer.

Emma absolutely loves sheep. 
The first time she ever saw one, and consequently fell in love with them was here at Old Sturbridge Village.

David and Emma watch the skaters on the pond. 

Rendering lard to make soap.

These girls really should live in a small country town.

Emma's first time going downhill on a sled.  
Grace however, wanted nothing to do with it.

Horse drawn sleigh in the distance. 

The girls love the playspace at OSV and we thought it would be a great way to warm up after being in the village for awhile. 

We've been home for a bit now and I think we may finally have warmed up!
For as amazingly cold as it was, it was nice to spend some time outside together enjoying the beauty and peace of the village.
Hopefully, you found something much warmer (and just as fun) to do today, dear friends.
Have a wonderful rest of the day, and as always we'll see you tomorrow.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Playdough Hearts

This morning while the girls watched Cinderella 2 (thank you Netflix for carrying such a thing) I floated around the blgosphere checking the usual places (Frog Creek  and Ordinary Life Magic amongst others) and happened upon a fabulous idea on The Magic Onions.  She had posted about making playdough hearts,  and with Valentine's Day on the horizon it seemed like the perfect thing to do on a bitterly cold day where we were most definitely stuck in the house.

I chose to use the recipe for playdough she posted since she said that the hearts needed to be baked.  Her recipe is similar to the one we use already except that hers does not require the dough to be cooked on the stove.  While I was getting things together to make the dough, Grace appeared in the kitchen with something she drew for me on the magna doodle.  

And then Emma appeared wearing this:

Once the dough was made and the girls were dressed, we were ready to make some hearts.  I found some beautiful copper heart cookie cutters to use.  I totally forgot we had them and was super excited to rediscover them!

It took longer than expected to bake them.  
Thankfully they were ready to paint after naptime!

We had such a wonderful time making the hearts!  The are so charming and look adorable hanging in various spots around our house.  This was such a sweet and simple project and one that we will most certainly do again!

Sweet dreams, friends. 
We'll see you in the morning.