
Sunday, October 31, 2010


Uncle Grant and Grace get the candy ready.  

Waiting for trick-or-treaters to arrive. 
 Emma checks out Uncle Grant in his spooky costume.  
 It's Emma approved!

Our pretty kitty.  
And we're off!

 Meeting up with friends for trick-or-treating!
 Let the trick-or-treating begin!
Grace and R2 hang together after a chilly night of trick-or-treat!

Even with how cold it was out we still had a fabulous time trick-or-treating! It's been a tradition for the last few years that my brother would join us on Halloween night, so we were thrilled to have him join us yet again!  And we were super happy to spend the second year in a row trick-or-treating with our dear friends Ben and Sarah and their wonderful children!  Each year Ben and his friends put together an awesome haunted house, and this year was no exception!  Sadly, I did not get any decent shots of the house this year as it was just too dark when we arrived, you'll just have to trust me on this when I say to you it was good and creepy.  My brother even got in on the action scaring some of the older kids with his very awesome, very spooky costume!  

We hope each of you had a wonderful Halloween too!  We are looking forward to next year already! 
Happy Halloween, friends!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


After seeing these jack-o-lantern candle holders on both Ordinary Life Magic and Sweet Home Days, I knew that we had to make some of our own!  We gathered the required supplies and got to work. 
These little guys will certainly be part of our Halloween table for many years to come! 
Happy Night Before Halloween, friends!

Friday, October 29, 2010

{This Moment}

{this moment} - A SouleMama Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 
Have a wonderful Halloween weekend, dear ones.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Wonder

This evening after we finished dinner, the girls had gone to go play and I went to light the jack-o-lanterns.  It was a beautiful, peaceful evening and the sun was just beginning to set.  No sooner did I light the first candle when Emma showed up by my side.  Her little hand gently tugged at my shirt and she said:  "pretty, mama!"  A moment later, Grace appeared.  Their eyes grew wide with wonder as they watched me light the candle inside of each jack-o-lantern.  It was a fabulous moment.  One that I will indeed treasure forever. 

I so wish I had tried the sunset setting first!

On this holiday and always, may the magic and wonder of childhood be a blessing to all of us!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Yoga

Today is yoga day!  This is cause for celebration each week in our house, and today it was even more exciting because the girls got to wear their Halloween costumes to class!  Oh my gosh, you would have thought I told them they were going to Disney World (not that they have been yet.  They don't even know that such a place exists.  We have a good few years before that trip is made).  There was much rejoicing in the land of tiny humans.  And so they got dressed up.  And put on a little show.

Clearly these two have watched the Barbie Fashionista movie a few too many times.  

 Instead of "om" we chanted "boo!"  

 Picking up cotton balls with their monkey toes. 
And hanging out with their incredible teacher, Alexandra!  I am positive that Emma wants to be her when she grows up!

Clearly, it was another awesome yoga class, made even more awesome by the addition of Halloween costumes!  Thank you, Alexandra, for making my girls love yoga so much!  You rock!  

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

Seven days until Halloween!