
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Circus Smirkus!

Saturday brought with it gorgeous weather and what has now become our annual trip to Circus Smirkus! We went for the first time last year and had such a great time that we decided to make it a yearly thing. The girls have been looking forward to this day since the minute the show ended last year, and after much waiting the day had finally arrived!
Waiting for the show to begin. 
This year's theme was Oz Incorporated. 
The talent that these kids have is just outstanding!
With Glinda. 
With Toto. 
From a Yankee Magazine article about Circus Smirkus. 

The Troupers did a wonderful job and the show was fabulous! The girls are now back to asking when we can go back and have both started to talk about heading to Smirkus camp next summer too. Looks like there may be a trip to Vermont in our future for next summer! If you haven't been to Circus Smirkus yet we highly recommend it. Though I have to warn you, it will make you want to become a Smirko too!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Morning And Evening

Since most of our afternoon time is spent at the lake I thought I'd give you a peek at what our mornings and evenings look like (or at least what it looked like yesterday). 
Yesterday morning began with the girls painting their nails. 
And looking about ten years older than they really are. 
David painted their toes for them this morning while I was out on my walk (which is why there are no pictures). 

Afterward it was time to head to the lake

We returned home, tired and happy. Quiet time and dinner was had. I ran a few errands and then David went to the Y. A quiet evening was in order after our very fun filled day, along with some gardening. 
I love the slow pace of our days. I love how each season has it's own rhythm. I love how there are days that just call for no background noise other than what's going on just outside our house (cars passing by, birds chirping, an occasional dog barking). And I love how it seems like the four of us always need those days at the same time. It's a joy to share this journey, and this space, with the three amazing souls I get to spend my days with. I love that we get to start and end each day with a meal together. And it is during dinner that we get to fill David in on the middle part of our day and hear about the goings on of his. It truly is an amazing life we lead and I am so grateful for it each and every day. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

And So Begins Another Week

This surely has been the summer of days spent at the lake. 
And you know what? We wouldn't have it any other way!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Smiles:: Card Makin'

July has always been a busy birthday month for us. This July, however, seems busier than usual. There has easily been (at least) one birthday to celebrate each week and this week has been no different. Yesterday we held our annual July Birthday Celebration (blog post coming soon), and today the girls attended a birthday party for the friend Grace has had the longest (she and Abigail have been friends since they were eight weeks old). This, of course, meant that cards needed to be made. Supplies were gathered and a hush fell over the land as they got to work on their latest creations. There is just something so special about a handmade card. Sure, we love the Hallmark store and the lovely cards in there but a handmade card is just even more divine. Getting to see their cards change over the years has been a lot of fun too! We hope that everyone who has been the recipient of these cards has enjoyed receiving them as much as the girls enjoyed making them! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

{This Moment} Summer Reading

{This Moment} - A Soule Mama Friday ritual. A single photo- no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments section for all to find and see. We wish you a peaceful weekend!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

On Sunday

On Sunday the girls and arrived at Indian Head Farm bright and early.
Our mission: to pick as many of these gorgeous berries as possible.
The berries are just gorgeous (and wonderfully delicious).
Silly girls decided that the blueberry bushes needed some shades!
Mission accomplished! 

These berries have been frozen and will be a wonderful reminder of this sweet summer adventure each time we use them this winter (and beyond)! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Two Wheelin' Girls

I arrived home from my morning walk to discover Emma on a scooter in the driveway. She was bound and determined to learn to glide and lo and behold she did just that!
The other big news in the house this morning is that the missing peddles for Grace's new bike finally arrived. We were so bummed that they were left out of the box the bike was in and were even more bummed that Huffy wouldn't speed up the shipping to get them to us faster than seven to ten days. #huffyfail. 
Thankfully, those seven to ten days passed quickly by! Before Dave left for work today he had the peddles on and made the necessary adjustments so Grace could ride her new bike. He's such an awesome Daddy!
"Thanks Gramma and Grandpa for my new bike!"
And just like that they are another day older. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Day Of Fire Trucks

On Saturday we headed to Fire and Ice Day at Old Sturbridge Village. We had never attended this event before, but since the pictures on their Facebook page looked awesome, and we have some dear friends of ours who are a firefighting family, we decided to head over and check it out. We arrived to discover two gorgeous trucks in the parking lot. 
We loved getting to climb inside and check them out. 
Everything runs on Dunkin' in New England. 
On our way in we passed the Field of Flags. 
We made a donation in my Dad's name on Father's Day in honor of his service in the Navy. 
You can see his name in the first column last one at the bottom. 
A better view (second from the top in this picture). 
This fire truck is 85 years old and hails all the way from Woodstock CT. The owner said he had to strip the whole thing down and completely restore it. He did a great job!
It was funny to see the current trucks parked in the Village. 
The crews sure keep these trucks shiny and gorgeous!
Carding wool. 'Cause why not?!
Watching the bucket brigade. 
This was the "ice" part of Fire and Ice Day. 
The girls love helping with all sorts of stuff at the village. 
Afterward the girls joined in the kids bucket brigade. 
Which really was just lots and lots of water play. 
Totally perfect on a hot summer day!
It such a fun day! The only thing that could have made it any better would have been to have our friends Rob and Jen there with us (they live in Virginia, otherwise they surely would have been there). Thankfully this is one of those events that's an annual thing so hopefully we can coordinate a visit with them sometime and have it include Fire and Ice day while they're here!