
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Our Year In Review

2015 was a truly fabulous year for us! While the Epic Winter That Was brought much damage to our sweet old farmhouse, it also equaled an incredible renovation which allowed us to complete many projects that we had talked about for as long as we have been a part of its long and wonderful history. Our house looks more incredible than we could have ever imagined, and we now feel we've made it our own! 

We've watched as the girls learned to tie their shoes, as Emma learned to ride her bike without training wheels, and as Grace learned to do a cartwheel. We sit in awe of the amazing people they are, and look forward to seeing all that they will become. Their kindness and compassion never ceases to amaze us. 

This year was the first time we tapped our maple trees (and what a sweet endeavor that was!) but it was also the first year where we canned and froze nothing. The renovations didn't allow for such, and while it was the right choice given the circumstances, it truly feels weird not to have cupboards full of food that we harvested and prepared. 

This year was so full and so wonderful that it would be hard to sum it all up in one blog post (which, by the way, concludes my fifth year of blogging)! We offer much thanks to those who have supported us, walked with us, encouraged us and loved us this year (and always)! All of you make the journey that much sweeter! 

We wish you a lovely last day of 2015 and a 2016 full of peace, love and joy! xo 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

With Thanks

Peppermint hot chocolate and thank-you note writing was the perfect way to spend a wintry afternoon yesterday! xo

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Holiday Treat Making

Sugar cookies, thumbprint cookies and cinnamon rolls. Some made for keeping but most made for giving (to friends and family, neighbors and teachers)! xo

First Of The Season!

It's not nearly enough for our winter loving girls, but something is definitely better than nothing! xo

Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Crafting

Christmas angel making (two weeks ago) for some of the angels in our world! xo

Sunday, December 27, 2015

On Boxing Day

It's our tradition to spend the day after Christmas -Boxing Day- in our pjs watching movies and building whatever Legos the girls received the day before. It's one of our most favorite days of the year, and yesterday was a fabulously lazy Boxing Day, indeed! Perfect, and much needed, after the busyness that is the weeks leading up to Christmas. xo

Saturday, December 26, 2015

On Christmas Evening

This year, rather than individual gifts, we asked that my family give us one family gift. We sent along a list of suggestions (leather bound books, board games or sugaring supplies) incase they wanted some ideas. Sugaring supplies was definitely my favorite suggestion and so I (and Dave and Grace and Emma) were super excited to open the box and discover that's what was in there! Now, we just need for winter to actually arrive so we can put these items to good use!

We hope that your Christmas Day was as sweet as ours! xo

Friday, December 25, 2015

On Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! Wishing you a day full of magic and wonder, peace and joy, and hope and love! xo