{This Moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same leave a link to your moment in the comments section below. We wish you a wonderful end of April and a very Happy May Day on Sunday! xo
Friday, April 29, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Some black paper, some colorful chalk, a bit of paint and a touch of glitter made for a super fun morning lesson about the four different types of galaxies this morning! xo
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
After six months of searching we finally managed to find a china cabinet! Just when we had given up hope of finding what we were looking for Dave happened upon this one the other day. Other than it being a wee bit taller than we would have liked it's absolutely perfect!
It even has a drawer for our silver. It doesn't fit all of it, so we still need the box my parents gave us, but it fits the key pieces which is absolutely lovely.
Just shy of ten months later and the last two boxes are finally unpacked! It's wonderful to finally have a home on the first floor for all of our wedding china and other special dishes. An instantly beloved piece, it is truly the perfect addition to our dinning room. It will surely be loved for years (and perhaps even generations) to come! xo
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Strawberry Ice Cream
Ten years ago when I was pregnant with Miss Grace we ate lots of Brigham's strawberry ice cream during my final trimester. My craving of strawberry ice cream was indeed brand specific, and in MetroWest Brigham's really is not that easy to come by (especially Brigham's strawberry). Thankfully Sudbury Farms carried it, though Dave would often have to dig to the bottom of the cooler case to find it. As a result of all the strawberry ice cream I ate during that final trimester she has always loved strawebrry ice cream. And so when I stopped in to Sudbury Farms to pick up a few things after my Pure Barre class the other day, I couldn't pass up the chance to buy a quart and share it with her again after all these years! Feels like just yesterday that I was pregnant with this sweet soul and enjoying a dish of this ice cream. It really is hard to believe that she turns ten this July...time truly has flown by way too fast! xo
Saturday, April 23, 2016
{This Moment} Lifelong Friends
{This Moment} A Friday Saturday ritual -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraoridinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same, leave a link to your moment in the comments section for all to find and see. We wish you a lovely rest of the weekend! xo
Breaking the "no words" rule this week to put some words to this sweet picture. Grace and Abigail have been friends for almost ten years. Jennifer and I met at a playgroup when the girls were tiny, eight week old babies laying on blankets while we chatted. What started out as a sweet friendship between mamas has grown into a sweet friendship between mamas and their daughters (with Emma joining the mix about eighteen months later). What a gift to have a friend for your entire life. My hope and prayer is that they remain friends for the rest of their lives, too! xo
Friday, April 22, 2016
Happy Earth Day!
I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.
Each blade of grass,
Each blade of grass,
Each honey tree,
Each bit of mud,
And stick and stone
is blood and muscle,
Skin and bone.
And just as I
And just as I
Need every bit
Of me to make
My body fit,
So Earth needs
So Earth needs
Grass and stone and tree
And things that grow here
That's why we
That's why we
Celebrate this day.
That's why across
That's why across
The world we say:
As long as life,
As dear, as free,
I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.
-Jane Yolen
-Jane Yolen
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
The last few days have been full of so much goodness. Glorious weather (especially Sunday and Monday), lead to many outdoor adventures, an ice cream run (how could we not?!) and so, so, so much playing outside each day! Such an absolutely perfect way to spend the long holiday weekend. xo
Sunday, April 17, 2016
At The Girl Scout Meeting On Friday
On Friday we held a first aid and safety day at Girl Scouts. The Daisies and Brownies worked on their Safety Awards at home and then the Brownies earned their First Aid Badges at the meeting (and the Daisies learned a lot of fabulous stuff too)!
We thought it would be fun to bring in a guest speaker. The guys from Patriot Ambulance were great!
We divided the girls into five different groups and each group took turns in the ambulance and at four other stations. They had a blast!
First-aid kit making.
When to call 911 discussion.
Treating and preventing outdoor injuries.
Stop, Drop and Roll.
Finally, the last group had gone through the ambulance and it was time for Tim and Paul to leave. "Can we watch them go?" asked the last group. "Of course!" I replied and went in to get the rest of the girls too.
Thank you to everyone for making First Aid and Safety Day so fun! The girls had such a fabulous time (and we leaders did, too)! Special thanks to Tim and Paul from Patriot Ambulance! We hope that they had as much fun as we all did! xo
Saturday, April 16, 2016
{This Moment} Last Sunday Before Church
{This Moment} A Friday Saturday ritual. A single photo Two photos -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same leave a link to your moment in the comments section for all to find and see. Wishing you a lovely rest of the weekend! xo