
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Bringing The Light

The following words were printed on the front of the worship bulletin today:

"We come before God, not to glorify war, but to honor and celebratate those who walked into the chaos and evil that is war. None who have waded through evil, death and sorrow are untouched in body, mind or spirit; they are beloved to God. We all were affected and changed by Military Action, Armed Conflict, and war, and all are in need of reflection, renewal, comfort and healing."

-From A Worship Service of Remembrance and Healing
conceived and written by Lisa Frenz

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Last Page Day!

And just like that another year of morning lessons has come to an end! With the last page completed in their main lesson books yesterday we now shift into our summer rhythm. They had such an amazing year of morning lessons. This was a year of growth, of independence and of confidence. It was the year of "I've got this, mama" rather than "I need your help, mama". And I have to admit that while it was lovely to see them grow so very much, and be so independent, it was also a bit bittersweet as well. I had to spend some time finding my way now that I wasn't needed so very much during lessons this year. It ebbs and flows of course, as there were times that my wisdom or assistance was needed, I just wasn't ready for this to happen with both of them simultaneously! We'll continue to read each day during the summer, and perhaps a bit of writing may happen every now and again too, but summer is for adventures, and copious amounts of time spent outdoors, and lots of seeing where the days take us. We're ready for the summer and all that comes with it, and somehow I feel like summer is ready for us too! xo

Friday, May 26, 2017

{This Moment} A Visit From The Tooth Fairy

{This Moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same leave a link to your moment in the comments section for all to find and see. Wishing you a lovely holiday weekend. xo 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Today's Main Lesson Book Page

One of the last entries that will be in Grace's grade four main lesson book. And quite possibly one of her best pages yet! Only a few more days of morning lessons this week before we call them done for the summer. xo

Monday, May 22, 2017

Celebrating Ten Years

Yesterday we attended the 10th anniversary celebration for Drumlin Farm Community Preschool! You may remember that Emma was a member of the Crickets class during the 2011-2012 school year. It was so lovely to be invited back to celebrate a decade of this amazing program. 
A little folk dancing to start the celebration! 
 The song they are dancing to in this picture is one from Bulgaria. 
 After the dancing it was time for some speeches and the big reveal of the new school logo. 
Waiting for the hayride to arrive. 
 It was lovely to see this sign again. 
On the days that the kids were at the nature center this sign always greeted us when we arrived. 
 Emma (the only Cricket alumna) with some of the current members of the Crickets class. 
 Sporting her new shirt. 
 Rina and Screech Owl Number 4. Rina was one of Emma's teachers when she was a Cricket. It was lovely to see her again! 
It was so wonderful to be back! The only way that yesterday could have been any better would have been if some of the children that Emma was in Crickets with were able to be there too. Other than that it truly was a stellar day! Drumlin Farm Community Preschool was such a blessing to all of us, and it was lovely to see that it had grown so much yet remained the same in the years since we were there. I am so glad that Emma got to experience life as a Cricket. The days spent outside (in all types of weather) and the things she learned then have stayed with her (and with all of us) in the years since. Being there yesterday was just like coming home. It was wonderful to see Emma remember so much about her days there. As we walked along, from place to place, she would reminisce about the many adventures she and the other Crickets had together. Ten years from now and ten after that and ten after that I know she will continue to look back on that year at DFCP with such joy. We hope that this wonderful school continues for many more decades to come, and that they continue to hold gatherings every decade too. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to plan this wonderful event. Much like her year as a Cricket, it is a day we shall never forget. xo

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Home Tweet Home

 On Wednesday Dave said to me: "Who put hay in the bird feeder on the porch?" 
To which I replied: "Hay?"
We peeked and discovered that inside the feeder was a newly built nest!
Yesterday, I decided to see if there was any new additions to the empty nest and was thrilled to discover three speckled eggs! 
House Finch eggs, according to my friend Lynn. 
If you look closely you can see her tail sticking out. 
When she noticed me she flew to the tree. She's the bright spot on the branch toward the top. It's hard to see her in the tree though, so it might take some time to spot her.

We are so very excited that she chose this spot to build her nest. "What a good place to build a nest!" said Emma. "She's super safe in there mama! And she won't get rained on if it rains!"

We learned that it will be twelve to fourteen days before the eggs hatch. Since we're not exactly sure when the eggs were laid (due to being away) we figure we'll keep an ear out for baby birds anywhere after June 1st. I doubt she'll let us get close enough to photograph them once they arrive, but if we're able to I'll be sure to share those pictures too! xo

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Grand Marshall Grandma

Wednesday night we journied down to New Jersey so that we could attend the Bergen Community College graduation ceremony on Thursday where Dave's mom was serving as Grand Marshall.
After all, an honor like that doesn't come around every day, and we didn't want to miss the chance to be there to celebrate an incredible woman and an incredible career.
It was really fabulous to have VIP access to the "behind the scenes" parts of commencement. It was so neat to get to go on stage and see where she would be sitting, as well as the incredible view that all on the platform would have during the ceremony. 
The girls were super impressed to see all the boxes of rolled up degrees. 
And, of course, they were fascinated by all the robes and hoods and hats of the faculty. 
Dave's mom (Dr. Joan Tscherne to those who know her from school) gave the welcome. We all got a kick out of seeing her on the Jumbotron at Giant's Stadium! 
University of Hartford representin'! 
This was the girls first time attending a graduation ceremony. They had lots of questions in the days leading up to it ("Mama, how many have you been in? And how many have you gone to? And what do all the colors mean?") and we spent lots of time talking about our graduations. We also shared with them that the day would be very long as well as very hot. 
And while it was indeed hot, the discovery of frozen custard topped water ice was a welcome (and delicious!) treat! 
What a truly incredible day! It was so wonderful to be there to witness such a special day for Dave's mom. And while it was fabulous to see her at that podium and on the Jumbotron, the best part, in my opinion, was seeing her with her colleagues before the ceremony and after. The respect they all have for her is very apparent, as is how very missed she will be next year when she's retired. It was absolutely lovely to get to meet so many people that we have heard so much about, and it was just as neat to see them be so excited to meet us, too. This was especially true when they met Grace and Emma, who they have clearly heard so very much about over the years! 
 Some post-commencement cooling off in the hotel pool. Very necessary on such a hot day. 
Congratulations Joan! We are so thrilled to have been able to be there with you on Thursday, and we have no doubt that your retirement will be just fabulous! xo

Friday, May 19, 2017

{This Moment} Pretty Ballerinas

{This Moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo (or in this case two) -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Wishing you a wonderful weekend full of beautiful memories! xo

Wednesday, May 17, 2017