This is the picture I received from Dave this morning. Not even a little rain will stop these New England girls from skiing! xo
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Emma's Birthday Gathering
On Friday, we gathered with Emma's friends at one of our most favorite places, Serendipity, for an afternoon of fairy garden building. The girls and I had attended a fairy garden fundraiser at Serendipity in the autumn and they loved it so much that Emma asked if perhaps a fairy garden building birthday celebration at Serendipity would be possible. A quick email to Miss Serendipity Lori (as we call her, since there are a total of three Lori's in our world) and a bit of chatting with Miss Laura, the fairy garden queen, set the wheels in motion for another wonderful and unique (and "very Tscherne") birthday celebration!
Many thanks to Miss Lori and Miss Laura for being willing to make this happen, and to everyone who joined us! It was truly a magical day and the perfect way to top off Emma's tenth birthday! xo
Friday, February 23, 2018
{This Moment} First And Tenth
{This Moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo (or two) capturing a moment from the week (and from nine years ago). A simple, special, extraordinary moment, then and now. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Wishing you a lovely last weekend of February!
Thursday, February 22, 2018
From Her Grandparents
It's very fitting that this little hen arrived on Emma's birthday!
Her name is Snowdrop and she joins La Pintade, Speckle and Noelle and completes our family of Guinea Hens! Ever since the little green hen showed up Emma has been wishing for a hen to arrive to represent her. Snowdrop is the perfect addition to the family and looks absolutely lovely on the china cabinet.
Later that day, another package arrived, but this time in the mail (it was a very good mail day for Miss Emma). I had saved the card that arrived the day before to give to her when this package arrived. Again, perfect timing that the final piece arrived on her birthday! It's like my mom planned it that way!
Tanglewood Hollow seriously uses the prettiest washi tape on their envelopes!
"What could it be?!"
"A magazine?! For me?! This is the best birthday ever, Mama!"
Simply gorgeous. And so her!
"Can I take these to Nature School next time and show Miss Heather?!"
The magazine and the track cards (which were an unexpected and lovely surprise from Allyson at Tanglewood Hollow) capped off an absolutely perfect day for our sweet girl. As we drove to dinner that night I realized that she had a very nature themed birthday and that all her gifts were even handmade!
In the spring, when the weather is good, just like Grace did when she turned ten, Emma will get to choose a rose bush to add to the rose garden. A lovely tradition that we couldn't pass up on for our winter baby!
Thank you, Grandma Joan, Grandpa Ron, Gramma Terri and Grandpa Gene for such lovely gifts for Emma. Each and every item was truly perfect and helped to make this day even more special than it already was! xo
In the spring, when the weather is good, just like Grace did when she turned ten, Emma will get to choose a rose bush to add to the rose garden. A lovely tradition that we couldn't pass up on for our winter baby!
Thank you, Grandma Joan, Grandpa Ron, Gramma Terri and Grandpa Gene for such lovely gifts for Emma. Each and every item was truly perfect and helped to make this day even more special than it already was! xo
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Dear Emma, On Your Tenth Birthday
Dear Emma,
Happy birthday, sweet girl! Ten years have quickly passed and here we are celebrating your first decade on Earth. It's crazy to me to think that you are ten years old already since it seems like only yesterday we were meeting you for the first time. From the moment they placed you in my arms and you gazed up at me as if to say "well, there you are mama" there was no doubt in my mind that you were going to do amazing things. With you and your sister being so close in age I was worried that perhaps it was too soon for another little one to join our family, but that was all pushed aside the minute that your Gramma Terri and Grace walked into our hospital room. Grace looked at you with such love and such wonder, and it was as if we were watching two halves of the same whole finally be reunited. And when we came home a few days later, with you dressed in your outfit and Grace dressed in hers (the first of many matching outfits) and we watched her hold you (not that she was all that much bigger than you!) we knew then that we would be witness to one of the sweetest sisterhoods and friendships ever placed on this Earth (and all these years later I still stand in awe of it)!
You confidence and capability is second to none. The times you are most frustrated are when you are either developmentally just not there or when people are not giving you enough credit for what you can do. We often have to tell people that "yes, she may be little but she can do it" and it's always fun to stand back and watch them realize that there is truth in that statement. Your skills have always been older than your years, and sometimes even I have to take a moment and remind myself that you are capable and to let you try. More often than not it goes well, and if it doesn't it's usually simply because you need to grow just a bit more to have it truly work out the way you want it to. We've talked a lot over the years (and especially lately) about how "yes it can be frustrating when things are hard but when the time is right it will be done with ease". Carry this wisdom with you always, sweet Emma, as it will serve you well the rest of your days.
It has been a joy to watch you turn into the young lady you are today. I have loved each age and stage (though I'll admit sometimes age four may have left a little to be desired). I know how excited you are to reach double digits and to experience all the new things that come with this milestone. I'm excited for you to experience them to, even if I do continue to beg you to "stop the growing"! Honestly, that's simply because my days of being taller than you girls are clearly numbered!
I never knew that you were to be the last baby I was to birth. And while that was a hard realization to come to, and while there are indeed still days that I watch you and think you should have four younger siblings, I must also admit that you were the perfect ending to our family. Like the four elements of the earth the four of us walk through our day in harmony. Sure, there are times that we might not all be in perfect sync but for the most part we are and for that I am grateful.
There is so much in store for you over the next ten years. There will be joys, there will be sorrows. There will be happiness and there will be heartbreak. Whatever life hands you please know that we will always be here, your soft landing space when the world feels so very hard, and the place to come to celebrate all the wonderful things that are bound to come your way, too.
Go out into the world and do your amazing things, Emma. Stay connected to those you love and to those who love you. Seek wisdom from those who have walked the path longer than you when life is confusing or hard. Spend time each day in nature. Stand up for what's right and for those being wronged. Smile. Always enjoy something sweet. Get plenty of exercise. Stop and breath in the spring air (and the autumn air and the winter air and yes even the summer air). Apologize and ask forgiveness when apologies and forgiveness are needed. See the world. Help those in need. Sing. Dance. And don't forget to do something to make the world a more beautiful place.
Happy tenth birthday, sweet girl. We cannot wait to see all that this next year, and next decade, has in store for you! We're here with you every step of the way always!