
Sunday, September 30, 2018

In Which Grace Bridges To Cadettes

Yesterday the girls gathered with their troop for the bridging ceremony. The Juniors conducted the flag ceremony. 
And then it was time for Grace to leave the Juniors and bridge to Cadettes! 
 For one brief moment there were three Cadettes in the troop! 
 And then it was time for the oldest girls to bridge from Cadettes to Seniors! 
 Emma quickly ran over to deliver the vests to Grace. 
 And then Grace helped each girl put her vest back on! 
 We can't believe she is now a Cadette! It seems like just yesterday she was just starting out in Daisies!  
 The oldest girls in the troop. 
 The Cadette and the Seniors with their amazing leaders! 
 The bridge was decorated with pictures of the girls in their past levels. 
 The Juniors, Cadettes and Seniors of Troop 76205! xo

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Today At The Fair

The weather today was absolutely glorious for the 50th anniversary of our church's Fall Fair! xo 

Friday, September 28, 2018

{This Moment} Dance Team Begins

{This Moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same leave a link to your moment in the comments section below. Wishing you a lovely last weekend of September! xo 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Grown By Grace

The green thumb on this child is truly amazing! xo 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Happy First Day (Of Nature School)!

We were so grateful that the weather today was so much nicer than yesterday! Where yesterday required cabin socks and the warmth of the electric blanket, today was all about short sleeves and no jackets! They had a wonderful first day of Nature School and are looking forward to next month's class already! xo 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

On This Cold Day....

we moved morning lessons upstairs, put cabin socks on and then climbed under (or sat on top of) the electric blanket. It was cozy and lovely and the perfect way to warm up! xo 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

{This Moment} In Two Places At Once

{This Moment} A weekend ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Wishing you a lovely last week of September! xo 

Saturday, September 22, 2018


In which we see Sydney and her boyfriend before they head to the homecoming dance this evening! xo 

Friday, September 21, 2018

One Final Badge (For Grace)

Before Grace bridges to Cadettes (a week from tomorrow) she wanted to finish up earning her flower badge. She had done many parts of it during her botany block but for reasons that escape us now didn't finish it, so she wanted to make sure she did before she couldn't. We looked over the badge requirements this morning to see what she had left to do. One part required her to press flowers and make a bookmark (thankfully she had flowers already pressed in her flower press!), one part required her to make a snack or treat out of a fruit that comes from a flower (she'll be making apple cake) and one part required her to dye a flower. A quick trip to Trader Joe's for some carnations (and treats for the girls) lead to her setting up the flower dyeing experiment today. Since Emma is a second year Junior this year she decided to get in on the badge earning too!  As of this post, the flowers in the purple water have started to turn blue along the edges! We cannot wait to see what they look like in the morning! xo 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Hair And Make-Up

 Today, Morgan (who's the daughter of my dearest friend) came over to do a hair and make-up trial  for my show in November. My hope for my hair and make-up was that I wanted to look like myself only a stepped up version of myself, and I think it's safe to say that Morgan absolutely made that dream come true today!
I was in absolute awe of how gorgeous I looked! Honestly, I think this is easily the most beautiful I have ever looked (and felt) in my entire adult life! 
 And, as if this look wasn't incredible enough, I even managed to take a few good selfies too (something that pretty much never happens outside of when I am sitting in the car with my sunglasses on)! 
On show day I'll have lipstick on (and a spray tan!) and be in a blinged out bikini! It's going to be epic! 
And this is the gorgeous and talented woman who created my stunning look! I can't wait for the day she enrolls in beauty school! I have no doubt hat when she's done she will have an amazing client list! Thank you, Morgan, for working your magic on me and making me feel more beautiful than I ever have before! And, seriously, can you please come do my hair and make-up every day?! xo 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Emma To The Rescue!

When there was finally a break in the torrential rain we had today the girls went outside to clear the drain in the driveway that had gotten cleared. I was doing a few things inside when I heard Emma call: "Mama! Come see what I have!" 
She had rescued this little worm (and a few of its wormy friends) from the puddles in the driveway. "I'm going to find a good home for him!" she exclaimed and quickly settled on one of the garden beds (that clearly needs weeding) as the perfect place. A bird yesterday and worms today. I wonder what tomorrow's creature will be?! xo

Monday, September 17, 2018

Today During Morning Lessons

Today, during morning lessons, we heard a bird hit one of the living room windows. The girls noticed that it was lying on the ground and went outside to see if it was still alive (it was). A quick Google search helped us know what to do, as well as confirm that it was in fact OK to pick it up. It took this sweet little bird about ten minutes to sit up, and then another ten minutes of sitting in Grace's lap before it finally flew off. xo