
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

In The Costume Department


Today we got to spend the morning in the costume department at Old Sturbridge Village getting Grace fitted in her Junior Intern costume! It was so much fun and the perfect way to start our day! This outfit, along with a shawl, scarf and basket (to carry her "modern things" in) will be picked up on May 15th, which is the first day of her two day training! We are so excited for her and can't wait to hear about all she learns and experiences during this incredible opportunity! xo 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Lily-Rose's House


In which Lily-Rose poses for a picture in her fancy house! 
Bunting made by my incredibly talented Aunt Gail! xo 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Scenes From Comp Day

Comp season has begun! And while it looks different thanks to Covid it was wonderful to see all those dancers back on stage doing what they love! And really, it's pretty awesome to be in and out in just over two hours (rather than two days)! So proud of our girls (and all the CSDS dancers) for shining brightly on that stage! xo 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Happy Palm Sunday


We had a very quiet Palm Sunday today. The weather wasn't great (grey, chilly and rainy) and the dancers were tired (more pictures from comp day tomorrow. We did have ravioli (in the tradition of Dave's family's Palm Sunday celebration) and play games and enjoy some chocolate raspberry cake. Wishing all those celebrating Palm Sunday today a festive celebration and a blessed Holy Week this week. xo 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Our Tiny Dancers


Sisters. Best friends. Duo partners. 
So proud of these two! xo

Friday, March 26, 2021

Dance Competition Eve


It wouldn't be the night before a dance competition if he wasn't steaming costumes! I'm looking forward to the day when he's steaming wedding dresses! xo

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Silly Kitty

One never knows where Gretchen will appear next. xo


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

And So It Begins....


In which David begins building the chicken run! xo

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

In Which The Hens Get A New Home


What do you get hens for their first birthday (coming next month)?! Why a new, more spacious, locally made coop, of course! xo

Monday, March 22, 2021

Through The Telescope


With how beautiful last night was, and with Emma's class doing their astronomy block, we couldn't resist getting out the telescope and taking a peek at the moon! 
It's especially fitting since she is researching Earth's moon for her report and artistic representation which is due in early April. 
I took the above picture of the moon with my iPhone through the telescope eyepiece. You don't realize how much you move until you attempt to take a picture of the moon with your phone through a telescope! Needless to say, I think we may need to buy the phone attachment that goes with our telescope now! I would love to be able to capture a picture of how clearly we can see the moon through the telescope. It truly is incredible to see the craters so clearly and I would love to be able to capture what we see and share it in this space of ours. xo 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

In Which We Decorate The Osterbaum

The weather on this first weekend of spring could not have been any more delightful! And with such gorgeous weather here, and Easter two weeks away, we decided that it was time to decorate the osterbaum. Last  year, we started this lovely tradition as a way to bring more of the customs and traditions of our German heritage into our family but also to  bring some joy to the world that was so newly in the pandemic. The tree was so completely charming that we knew this was a tradition that must stick (and one day I would love to have enough eggs that our osterbaum looks like this one)! Happy spring, everyone! xo 

Friday, March 19, 2021

Let's Go Hartford!


In which I sport my Hartford shirt in honor of the Hawk's first ever appearance at the NCAA basketball tournament today! xo

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Emma's Morning Lesson


In which Emma practicing writing in calligraphy during her astronomy block. xo 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Saint Patrick's Day Lesson Snack

It wouldn't be Saint Patrick's Day if we didn't make Irish Soda Bread for lesson snack! xo 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Girl Scout Cookies!


When it's Girl Scout cookie season but you also have school. xo