
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Kitchen Tree


As the girls decorated the kitchen tree, they both shared how much they love having a tree in the kitchen and having a place to display all the ornaments that they have made at nature school over the years. I couldn't agree more and am so glad that we won that first tree twelve years ago!  xo 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Advent Night One


Last night was the first night of Advent. Grace made the wreath and we lit the first candle and said the following verse:

The first light of Advent is the light of the stones. 
The light found in crystals, in seashells and in bones. 

I can't believe it's Advent already. I can't believe there's only four weeks until Christmas and five until the end of 2021. Gosh, this year went by fast! xo 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Saturday 10:30am.


After I dropped Grace off yesterday I went to Panera to have some breakfast and work on my research paper while I waited for Dave's parents and Emma to arrive in Sturbridge. They had wanted to see her before heading back to New Jersey and since I was out there I had them bring Emma with them and met them there. We heard a wonderful lecture about the Quakers in New England before heading over to Freeman Farm where Grace and some of the other ladies were working that day. The day was beautiful but very cold, especially when the wind picked up! It was lovely to get to spend some time outside though and I am grateful we all had lots of layers to keep us warm! xo 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

A Snowy Saturday In Sturbridge


In which Grace got to spend the first snowy day at one of her most favorite places! xo

Friday, November 26, 2021

On Thanksgiving Day


Easily the largest sweet potato we have ever seen! 
It was lovely to gather together again yesterday and we were especially grateful that Mother Nature gifted us with a day that allowed us to be outside! We hope all of you had a lovely Thanksgiving and that you got to celebrate with the people and food that you love best. xo 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! xo

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

With Thanks


The girls made cranberry sauce, cornbread and cards to thank their advisors for all that they do! xo

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Tuesday. 7:28am.


When did she go and grow up?! xo 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

At The Dance Convention


When the studio director/head dance team coach texts you a picture from today's dance convention telling you she's "obsessed with Grace's skirt" you know instantly what today's blogpost picture will be! xo

Saturday, November 20, 2021

It's Almost Time!


The weather is getting colder (it was 28 out when Dave and I went on our walk today) and there's been frost on the ground. This can mean only one thing: time to prepare for ski season! xo

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Silly Hen!


One never knows what these hens will think of next! xo

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Just Like Riding A Bike?!


Resources for my first research paper in twenty years. Let's hope I remember how to do this! xo 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Night and Day


I am loving our beautiful new window decoration! Gorgeous template and design from My Seasonal Treasury as found in the autumn edition of the Simple Living Collection. xo

Monday, November 15, 2021

At The School Dance


In which the girls attend their first school dance last Friday! It was a '90s theme (which makes us feel old!)! They had a fabulous time! xo

Sunday, November 14, 2021

On Friday


On our way home from Parker Friday afternoon we saw the most vivid rainbow! And upon further inspection we realized it was actually a double rainbow! we could see the entire bow (from one end to the other) as we drove along! It almost felt as if the rainbow was guiding us home! It was easily the most brilliant and beautiful one we had ever seen! xo

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Scenes From Our Lantern Walk


Visiting the hens. 
Our lanterns Thursday night after our Lantern Walk.

The new additions the girls made this year using the gorgeous lantern decorations from Twelve Little Tales. 
Martinmas is one of our most favorite festivals to celebrate. It's message of kindness, of caring for others, and of light in the darkness resonates deeply. We love that it connects us to the Waldorf community but also to our German ancestry as Saint Martin's Day is celebrated throughout Germany on November 11th. No matter how old the girls get I have no doubt that they will always celebrate Martinmas and make time for the Lantern Walk. xo