
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

On The Last Day of August


It might be the last day of August but some people in this family are thiking about the upcoming ski season already (and ordering new skis)! xo 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Another Bloom


In which the rose garden starts to bloom again. xo 

Friday, August 26, 2022

An Impromtu Visit


In which Erin (not pictured), David and Mundo stop by for a visit and meet Clover. xo

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

In Which Emma Bridges to Girl Scout Seniors


In which Emma (and the other cadettes) bridge to Girl Scout Seniors and the high school graduates move into being adult scouts! xo 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Baby's First Job


In which somebody started her first (paying) job today! 🍎

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Yesterday At Tanglewood


In which we take the girls to Tanglewood for the first time to attend the 90th birthday celebration for our favorite composer, John Williams! xo 

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Saturday Morning


In which Emma tests a french toast casserole reciept for America's Test Kitchen and makes us a delicious brunch in the process! xo 

Friday, August 19, 2022

Back On Pointe!


It's been six months since Grace was last on pointe due to an almost broken navicular. She has worked hard to strengthen her feet in that time to keep things moving but also protect her fracture. The shoes she's wearing here were purchased back in late January/early February. Alena, the fabulous store owner and resident pointe shoe expert fitter advised Grace not to sew her shoes until she had the results from her MRI. This wisdom was so appreciated, and fortuitouis, as it turned out she would need to stop dancing pointe immeduately if she wanted to ever dance pointe again. Alena also told us that when it was time to return to come back to make sure that a different shoe wasn't needed (it wasn't). With the new dance year upon us, Grace has been back at the studio and is now sewing these shoes to be ready for class next month. xo 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Catching Up

 So here it is, mid-August and I have been remiss in blogging! My blogging has definitely changed now that we are no longer homeschooling (😓). Our days are different, though there is still a lovely rhythm to then. We have worked very hard to keep our family culture (our "Waldorfy-ness" as I like to call it) while growing and changing as we move through each age and stage. This summer has been the re-set that we needed and we have all done alot of talking and envisioning and sharing what we want for ourselves and as a family. It has been lovely! 

Shortly, after the girls got back from camp, I took Grace over to Hudson High to let her try driving. She did great, though was surprised by how fast five miles per hour felt!
Gretchen had fun exploring Clover's house
Redcoats and Rebels returned to OSV for the first time since the pandemic shut everything down and just in time for the heatwave. Grace, thankfully, was not in the gardens that day, but instead was inside one of the houses where it was definitely cooler than it was outside! 
Dave, Emma and I went to the Village a bit early and walked around while we waited for Grace to finish up. Though I did not take any pictures of her over at the Bixby house, I did manage to snap a few of other goings on that day. 
Last week I worked half days and then spent the afternoons doing fun things with the girls. Those half work-days/half vacation-days are the best and truly make it feel a little more like summer break. I have missed homeschooling and the slower pace of our days so very much. Along with that this summer I have really, really missed being a classroom teacher with her summers off. Having a few weeks of half work-days and half vacation-days has definitely helped make things a bit better! 
Our week of fun afternoon adventures began with Emma interviewing for a job at Honey Pot Hill Orchard follwed by a trip to the mall to do some back to school shopping! 
Tuesday was ice cream sundaes at Meola's. 
We all agreed, next time, we'll get one to share! 
Wednesday evening, while Grace was at dance, Emma modeled the latest "Aunt Gail apron" (though in this picture it looks more like a dress) while we baked some chocolate chip banana bread! 
We were all super grateful that Mother Nature had blessed us with some much cooler weather. 
Clover was thrilled to have her window back open again! 

On Saturday the girls and I went to Salem. The weather was perfect and I have been wanting to take them to the Salem Witch Museum for a couple of years now. Though we wish that David could have joined us (it was his weekend to work) we couldn't pass up a stellar weather day for a road trip to Salem! We had a fabulous time visiting the museum, going to lunch, walking around and stopping by the Witch Memorial to pay our respects before heading home. It was truly a splendid day and a fabulous way to cap off our week of adventuring! xo