
Friday, January 20, 2023

Snow Day!


We were so thrilled to wake up and see the world all covered in gorgeous snow! Not only was it beautiful but it was perfect packing snow! Emma's snowman was such a welcome addition to the yard, and seeing the girls outside on one of the tabbogans totally flashed me back to years passed. So grateful for this incredible life we get to live!  xo 

Monday, January 16, 2023

Clover Explores The Snow


We were so excited to see that Mother Nature had gifted us with some wonderful snow today that the girls couldn't resist letting Clover explore it when they got home from the mountain today! She was sure at first, but once Grace made her a snowman (with two of her most favorite treats) she took a liking to it! xo 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Holiday Show Day!


Another fabulous holiiday show in the books! The girls were fabulous (Emma even did a one handed round-off during her dance!) and money was raised for Andrew's Helpful Hands and food collected for the Hudson Food Pantry. Always a wonderful way to start the year! xo 

Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year’s Day at Church


Started the new year off with a "Time for All Ages" message about the Epiphany, the Wise Men, the tradition of chalking the door and giving everyone a window star to remind them "to always follow their star like the Wise Men did. After all if you do, it may lead you to something wonderful!" 

Happy New Year, everyone! May 2023 be a year full of wonder and joy, of health and happiness, of love and peace, and connection with those around you! xo