
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Twenty-One Years Of Promises


I have no ring for your finger
I have no banquet table to lay 
I have no bed of feathers
Whatever promises I made
I can't promise you fair sky above
Can't promise you kind road below
But I'll walk beside you, love
Any way the wind blows 

I don't need gold, don't need silver
Just bread when I'm hngry
Fire when I'm cold 
Don't need a ring for my finger 
Just need a steady hand to hold
Don't promise me fair sky above 
Don't promise me kind road below
Just walk beside me, love 
Any way the wind blows 

I don't know where this road will end 
But I'll walk it with you, hand in hand 
I can't promise you fair sky above
Can't promise you kind road below 
But I'll walk beside you, love 
Any way the wind blows 

Do you let me walk with you? 
I do
I do
I do

And keep on walking, come what will? 
I will
I will 
We will. 

-Promises from Hadestown

Happy twenty-first annivesary, David! Had this song been out when we got married I have no doubt we would have used it as our wedding vows or our first dance song or both. Thank you for walking beside me these past twenty-one years. Here's to the next twenty-one! xo