
Friday, February 26, 2010


Yesterday, Grace asked to make cupcakes.  Of course, she asks this around dinner time, and of course we don't have any ingredients to make cake or frosting right then. I told her I would ask David to pick up some  cake mix and frosting and we'd make them today.  Which is exactly what happened and exactly what we did. 

It was the perfect way to start our day!  
And the day only got better from there. 
We had a playdate (and lunch!) with our friends Emily, Maggie and Cate. 
Then we had dinner with our friends Sade, Paul and Tayo. 
It was a fabulous Friday!
Sleep well, dear friends. 
We'll see you tomorrow.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of your cupcakes! They look wonderful and pink frosting to go with it! Very nice very nice! Who doesn't love cupcakes?!?!? Cupcakes are more fun you know ;)
