
Friday, February 12, 2010

Our (Not So) Lazy Friday

This morning I asked Grace what we should do today and she said: "stay home".  Since it was so cold out, and she seemed so definite in not wanting to go anywhere, it sounded like a fine plan to me!

Last night while we were at the mall we stopped into the Disney Store.  There was a Sleeping Beauty dress there that Grace had been dreaming of for a few months now.  Every time we were near a Disney Store she would askt to go in and look around. She always headed to this dress and never once asked to bring it home.  I had decided a few months ago to set some money aside and finally had enough to buy it last night.  As soon as we arrived she went right to the dress.  I asked her if she would like to bring it home with us.  The smile on her face said it all!

So here, it is my friends, her brand new princess dress!

As you can imagine, she wore this dress the whole day.

This girl can multi-task with the best of 'em.

Mixing the pancake batter.

No day wearing princess dresses is complete without a princess movie. 

While the girls watched Aladdin from the comfort of their laundry baskets, 

I folded the wash that had previously been in them.

Opening Valentine's from Grandma and Grandpa T.

Then they made Valentine's to give each other on Sunday. 

Followed quickly by some play-dough time.

And then checking Facebook.
Ah, the modern toddler.  

We hope that you all had a wonderful day too.  
As I type this, David and I are watching the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games and wishing that we could be there in Vancouver to see it in person.  
For now, we will enjoy watching from the comfort of our own home and learn all sorts of interesting facts about Canada in the process.   
Have a great night, everyone. 
We'll see you tomorrow.


  1. ooooh, that sure is a fancy dress! :)
    Love the personal coaches.

  2. The laundry baskets are a big deal in our house! Even when friends come they (the friends) want to sit in them too. I really should go buy a couple more! ;)
