
Monday, April 5, 2010

First Annual Egg Hunt!

This year we had our first egg hunt!  This is a tradition that has long been held on my father's side of the family, and I have always looked forward to doing with my girls.  Yesterday, the tradition was passed down to a new batch of egg hunters.

We couldn't resist putting an egg in Em's boots.

Let the hunt begin!

Em wasted no time taking the egg out of her boot and then putting them on.

Grandpa and Emma look for the last egg.

Gramma and Grace join them.

You would have thought that these two had been hunting for eggs their whole lives.  
They took to egg hunting like a duck takes to water.  
We could not have asked for any better weather for the first of what's sure to be many egg hunts.
It was truly a spectacular day!
Enjoy the rest of Monday, friends. 
We'll see you tomorrow.


  1. NICE! Wasn't it a great day? Loved the outfits. Super cute.

  2. I love the shot with the blue egg, and the one in the boot! :)
    Happy day!

  3. Thanks friends! Kim, the weather couldn't have been more incredible! I honestly don't remember ever having the first weekend of April being that warm. Amazing! We could not have been more thrilled to see those dresses at Target! Grace chose the blue and white and I am so glad she fell in love with that one. Just too sweet!

    Stephanie, I love those shots too. I am thinking I may have to revamp the blog banner to include the welcome sign with the two eggs. With how often we find things in boots and shoes around here, we just could not pass up the chance to stick one in there!
