
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fun Stuff!

Since I knew that we had a super busy day planned for today, I decided to save our pictures from Friday for today.  Friday was a rather mellow day, mostly due to it being cold and rainy out.  Dave had the day off again (yay!), and we spent the better part of the day trying to figure out something fun to do.  While we were trying to figure out what to do, Grace noticed that our beans had gotten even bigger.

She then got a hair cut from Gramma,

while Emma checked out (yet again) the zipper on Gramma's luggage.

We then said "until we meet again" to Gramma, 
who headed home after a spending a fabulous week with us.

The girls and Daddy played for a bit.  
First with princesses,

and then with the PS3.

After which was nap/quiet time.  We spent much of naptime trying to come up with a fun and exciting plan for the evening, and thanks to Grace we finally did.  What we adults could not come up with in hours, she came up with in seconds!  When she came downstairs after she was done with quiet time, David and I asked her what she wanted to do today.  She replied, "Get ice cream."  Which sounded perfect, and a quick Google search produced a fabulous ice cream parlor in Newton; Cabot's.  I had been there once a couple of years ago, and loved it. It was the perfect place for our evening adventure.   We called our friends to see if they wanted to join us, and off we went.

Dinner was had, and then it was time for the moment we had all been waiting for:
Ice Cream!

My sundae.  

Molly helps Uncle Dave eat his huge sundae.  
Clearly, we all could have shared any one of the sundae's we adults chose.  
Especially this one!

It was the cherry on top of the sundae that was our Friday! 
We hope each of you had a wonderful weekend. 
As always, we'll see you tomorrow!

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