
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our Week

With the craziness of trying to buy a new car, blogging sadly, went by the wayside last week.  We had a good week, all in all. A little more emotional and drama filled than normal, but a pretty good week nonetheless.  Thankfully, my Mom was able to come up and provide some relief (and a second car when needed).

Our week consisted of:
Emma finally getting to hold a baby.

Getting caught eating play-dough.

Playing dress up.


Checking out the new treats Gramma brought for the dress up bin.

Watching Dancing With The Stars.

Snuggling with Gramma.  
A fabulous way to start the day!

Taking a moment to remember what it is we stand for.

Playing hide and seek.

Dancing on bubble wrap.

And the highlight of the week:
Bringing home our new car!

Saying good-bye to the old and hello to the new. 

Heading out for our first family trip in the mini,  a BBQ at our friends Justin and Amanda's. 
A fabulous way to spend a gorgeous evening.

"Mama!  The blooming blooms are beautiful!"


Hanging wash on the clothesline for the first time this season.

The weather today was too beautiful to pass up!

Finding wishing flowers.

And mowing the lawn.

The moral of our week:
Remember to take time to smell the "blooming blooms". 
Spend some time outside. 
Celebrate all the wonderful blessings in your life (even when life gets challenging).
Enjoy the rest of this amazing weekend, dear ones. 
We'll see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Dave has a riding mower! I mowed the first lawn of my life this week (not counting the time I used a push mower) and I mowed it with an electric mower, which was pretty cool. But I totally wish I had a riding mower!
