
Thursday, November 25, 2010


Since November 1st, I have been posting one thing everyday as my Facebook status that I am thankful for.  Most days it was hard to narrow it down to one as there are so many things I am thankful for, but generally there was one main thing that usually stuck out.  In this season of thanks and giving I hope each of you takes the time to reflect on what truly matters. 

I am thankful for: wonderful family. incredible husband! It is because of David that this incredible life we lead is even possible and I cannot thank him enough! Thank you for taking such good care of us and taking the incredible journey of marriage and parenthood with me! I wouldn't have it any other way! XO.

... my warm coat (my dad's pea coat from when he was in the Navy!) on this very cold, frosty New England day.

...early morning family snuggle time! impromtu visit with my dear, sweet friend, Sarah and her two fabulous little ones today! Thanks for stopping by this afternoon, the girls and I had a blast (as always)!

...Jeanette from Mothers and Company! Her widsom and advice (on a few topics) is just what I needed today! :)

...a peaceful afternoon and the chance to catch up with my mom! See you Thursday, Mom! We can't wait!
... that David is on vacation this week! The timing could not be better since a week from this coming Sunday starts the wacky holiday schedule and my life as a Williams-Sonoma widow. Now just to figure out what fun things to do...
...super long phone calls with dear friends who live too far away. so thankful to all those who have served in the military today and always. Thank you especially to my Grandfathers, Dad, Uncles, Brother and Stephen N . You are true patriots and we are so grateful to you for your service to our beloved country. Thanks to Steve G and Adam B who are currently serving. We are so proud of you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you today and always!

...that my mom has come to visit for a few days. It's always a treat to have her here! and laughter. have such wonderful friends, both long standing and new. You all are such blessings to me and I am grateful to have each of you in my life!

...the peace and serenity of yoga class.

...the widsom of friends.

...kindred spirits.

...a day full of ordinary miracles!

...a wonderful evening spent with dear friends! Thanks to Amanda , Sarah and Ben and all their fabulous littles for joining us for dinner (a delicious meal made by Amanda). There is nothing like breakfast for dinner with such wonderful friends to top off an already perfect day!

...our wonderful church and all the incredible friends that we have been blessed with as a result. We are so grateful to have wandered in there three years ago and can't imagine what life would be like if we didn't. Ya'll are the best!

...friends who are like family and family who are friends. so thankful (and honored) to get to be the mama of two such incredible littles!

...the wisdom of my mom and the peace of two sleeping littles so I can get the last few things done around the house in preparation for tomorrow. Thanks, Mom! Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends!

May your Thanksgiving Day be full of wonderful memories and countless blessings!

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