
Monday, March 14, 2011

A Busy Weekend And A Marvelous Monday

This weekend was a wee bit different than normal. I spent an amazing three days in Boston attending a training (through toLabor) to become a doula (or birth assistant for those who may not be familiar with the term).  It was truly the most incredible experience and one that I wish I had had many years sooner!  The women that I had a chance to meet and get to know are just outstanding! It was such a treat to get to spend so much time with so many like minded people! 

Needless to say, for as full of "aha moments" as this weekend was I am also super tired today.  And so, since I knew that if we did not stay busy it would be a looooooong day for all involved we decided to have a lovely adventure on a grey, gloomy, tired day such as this.  Our day began with a meeting of the girl's fabulous new pediatrician.  We decided to search out a new practice when we got a letter a couple of weeks ago saying that the their doctor was leaving. This is the third letter like this that we have recieved in four and a half years of being parents.  So, immediately we posted on Facebook to see who people would recommened and almost immediately we had some leads. We are so grateful to have been suggested the practice where we are now! Oh, if only we had been with them from the very beginning! It is a very small practice and a much better fit for our family.  After our meeting we headed into Boston (after all we were half way there), first stopping at Flour Bakery before heading over to the children's museum.
Grace chose a delicious pop tart.
Emma chose the mint oreo but ended up stealing some of my banana bread!
It was just the kind of day we three girls needed after a weekend apart!  I am truly looking forward to a night full of vegging.  I think crashing on the couch is just what this doula needs! 

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