
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Something Old, Something New

When I was cleaning out and organizing the closet in the guest room on Saturday I came across an old white tablecloth.  It had a few stains on it so I set it aside thinking it would come in handy for all sorts of projects.  Little did I know that it would be used a few days later when we colored eggs!  As I was getting all the items set up for our egg coloring project I remembered the table cloth, and knowing full well that it would get dye splattered on it I decided that when we were done coloring eggs we would use the rest of the dye to beauitfy the stained cloth. 

The girls had so much fun dying the cloth.  They loved discovering how the dye would spatter differently from various heights. 
When we had used up all the dye we hung the table cloth up in the bathroom to dry.  It sure made a very lovely shower curtain!
The girls are so proud of how gorgeous this cloth came out and so am I.  Everytime they walk by it someone says how much they love it.  "Mama, it's so beautiful!" has been heard many times since we hung it up yesterday.  It's as if the fun they had coloring the cloth shines through in all its joyful glory!  You can't help but smile when you look at it.  Each year we'll be sure to use this cloth when we color eggs.  It will be so much fun to see how the cloth changes from year to year and project to project! 

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