
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July Birthday Celebration

On Saturday we gathered to celebrate all the July birthdays in our family.  We have done this each year since Grace's first birthday, and it is always one of the highlights of the summer.  In the span of eleven days we have four birthdays, and since my Mom's birthday is the last one (and happens to be today) it seemed only fitting to make this our blogpost of the day.
The day began with a gift for Grace (and Emma) from Dave's parents and sister and her husband.
A new sandbox!  The girls have missed having a sandbox since they outgrew their turtle shaped one.
There is so much more room in this one (and the cover that goes up and down too is fabulous)!  The girls can't wait to show their friends the new addition to the yard!
The four July birthdays are: Dave (on the 15th), Grace (on the 16th), Grant (on the 19th) and Mom (on the 26th). Emma is serving as the stand in for my brother who was unable to join in the celebration this year.  We missed you, Grant!
Gifts for Gramma from her girls! 
Grace was so excited to have a new bike basket and bell for her fabulous new bike! Thanks Aunt Kaitlyn (and Eric) for making that dream come true!
Kait's gift to Dave (spending time golfing and skiing with her)!
It was (as always) a very special day!  The time spent together and memories that are made are easily the best part of the celebration!  Many happy birthday wishes to everyone celebrating a birthday this month. May this be your best year yet! 

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