
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Prep

Our favorite farm to go berry picking at sent an email out saying that they had reduced the price of their pick your own raspberries in the hopes that people would come and pick them before the hurricane came up our way and potentially damaged the plants.  The girls and I decided to go and "save the raspberries".  After all, at $3.00 a pound you can't go wrong!  We would have stayed longer and picked even more, but poor Grace ended up getting her first bee sting while we were there.  We took that as a sign to gather our things and head home.  We decided to use the freezer jam recipe from Pomona's Universal Pectin (along with honey as the sweetner) for these berries.  The entire time we were making the jam, Grace kept saying: "Mama, this is going to be the best jam ever!"  Somehow, I think she may be right! 


  1. looks delicious! You've got some pretty cute helpers there.

    and on a totally non-related topic: I lovelovelove the wall color of your kitchen.
