
Monday, August 1, 2011

::Right Now::

Right now, I am:

::enjoying the beauty of the sunflowers, zinnias and gladilous that we picked at the farm today.

::in shock that it's August already.  How is it possible that the year is flying by this quickly?

::happy that we got to spend another day at the beach.

::wishing that we lived right on the lake. 

::looking forward to seeing what tomorrows CSA bag is brimming over with.

::contemplating how much longer it will be until we can start canning tomato sauce.

::wondering what David and I should do to celebrate our ninth wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks (and beginning to think about how to celebrate our tenth anniversary the following year).

::relieved that even though today did not start out so great we were able to get back into our usual rhythm and have the middle and end part of the day be wonderful!

::wishing you all a lovely night spent relaxing with those you love most after a busy day!


  1. Breath of fresh air starting with the sunflowers. Thanks.

  2. You're welcome! The sunflowers were a welcome sight for us too! :)
