
Friday, August 19, 2011

{This Moment}

{This Moment} - A SouleMama Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Have a delightful weekend, friends!


  1. Oh my - what an absolutely gorgeous wee girl. And those peaches just made me very happy that Spring (and ultimately Summer) is on it's way for us Down Under!
    Found you through Soulemama and I love your blog. Here is our special moment:

  2. peaches and a peach! yum and lovely! and i love your kitchen window, too!

    our moment:

    have a great weekend shel!

  3. What a "peach" your daughter is :) How awesome that you live where you have access to peach-picking... (Thanks for your comment!)

  4. Sweet, sweet girl!! And I'm drooling at the sight of those peaches! Living in the mid-northern part of Ontario, we get ours from Southern Ontario, one month in the whole year, and eat them till we're sick! Nothing like fresh peaches...thanks for stopping by my space!

  5. Ooh peaches! I need to get out there and get some of our own. My grandmother introduced a tradition of making peach dumplings - many fond family memories associated with peach dumplings!

  6. A beauty. Love her. Love that dress. Love those peaches.

  7. Thanks, everyone! I truly was such a treat to end up with this beautiful picture! And I knew the minute that I saw it that it had to be our moment!

    Hope you've all had a great week!
