
Friday, September 2, 2011

{This Moment}

{This Moment} - A SouleMama Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Have a delightful weekend, friends!


  1. yum! how fun! it this just for the fridge or are you going to process it?

    have a nice weekend!

    here is my daughter this week - she has a new passion -

  2. I'm so glad you were able to help save the berries. I hope the bushes weren't completely distroyed.

  3. Thanks for sharing the story behind this scene on my blog. They're so neat putting it in the jars. Much more than me when I do this! :)

  4. I love raspberries. That would almost make the hurricane worth it!

  5. Hard at work! Saving the raspberries is a great job. :)

  6. I'm glad that all of this fruit didn't go to waste. Makes me wish I had a raspberry farm close to me, just to be able to go get a couple baskets full :)

  7. I loved the story behind this picture!!! How generous of that raspberry farmer! (Raspberries--my all time favorite favorite berrry!!!!) Looks like you all had a GREAT day. (Lovely family, too!!!)

  8. Oh what a great thing to have helped and getting JAM out of the deal! What could be better?

  9. Well I think I'd have to 'join the cause' too if I were to receive an email to pick said threatened raspberries! Love your moment. Hope the raspberries tasted good. Jacinta

  10. Oh yum! I agree, I would so be there if someone emailed, wanting me to come pick.

  11. mmm..mmmm. now i want some toast!!! :)

    cool moment captured!
    ~someday when they're all grown up and mama's themselves this will be a classic.

  12. What a fun delicious activity :)

  13. I love canning. Reminds me of sweet moments with my maternal granny.

    Happy fun weekend to your sweet family!

  14. What great helpers! I'll bet they had some sticky fingers at the end of your session :)
    (Just wanted to let you know that when I clicked on your name in the comment you left me, it took me to another blog that isn't yours....just in case you wanted to check into it!)

  15. love it. I wish I had helpers when it comes to making jam! They look pretty dedicated to their work : )

  16. Gorgeous. Enjoy that jam it is surely charged with love. Katie x

  17. Shel,

    thanks for visiting. I love this photo, raspberry jam, and new blogger friends. hugs

  18. I'm really going to miss fresh strawberries/raspberries/blackberries. Love your picture.

  19. aw, what great helpers you have there! btw, i love your header, is that the view from your kitchen? love the light and detail. i've always wanted some countertop space beneath a window... so far it didn't happen..
    anyways, have a lovely weekend!

  20. Thanks for all your sweet comments everyone! The girls love helping in the kitchen and canning is no exception!

    And yes, our blog header is a picture from our kitchen! We have a shelf in the window that looks out from the sink. My mom has always had one in their kitchen and when we bought this house (almost eight years ago now) I was thrilled to see that there was the pefect windwo to put a shelf in! It's one of my favorite areas of our home! :)

  21. That looks like so much fun and how good it will taste when you open a jar :) I just got done putting up zucchini relish :P 15 quarts! Never expected that. Now I wish it had been raspberries!

  22. Quite honorable of you folks to save those raspberries! ;0 I'm sure that was a day full of moments to pause & savor... I bet they were all kinds of sticky in the end, though! :)

    Mine is just one of those moments where you sit back and watch the way your kids interact with each other and can't help but feel like you are doing something right as a mom...

    I really hope you'll take a moment to come by! :)
