
Monday, October 3, 2011

Busy Bees

We arrived in gorgeous Vermont Friday late afteroon.
And, of course, I had to wonder why it is we don't live here.  Seriously, could it be any more beautiful?
After catching up with Brad, Hannah and Hannah's sister Sara (who we had not seen since our wedding day nine years ago) we got busy decorating the tables for the wedding the next day.

The girls did a great job helping set the tables.  They both loved placing the honey bears at each persons spot. 
Dave poslished our unity candle holder which had not seen the light of day in nine years.  We were so excited that Hannah and Brad wanted to use it in their ceremony. After he was done polishing it, he got to work making the beeswax candles fit in the taper candle holders.
  And even as sister moon rose in the sky the hive was still a buzz with excitement! Everything was set and ready for the next day.  The day that we had all been looking forward to for all these months was finally upon us! 


  1. Great photos - what a beautiful place! And how nice you all got to share in the set up of the special day. :)

  2. I can feel the intimacy coming through in these pictures. I love love loved my wedding day, but if I had the opportunity to throw myself another reception (maybe to renew vows, or celebrate an anniversary) I would want it to look exactly like your pictures.

  3. Jess, I totally agree! We had a fabulous wedding day too but if we were to plan our wedding day now it would be totally different (and way more like Hannah and Brad's was)! Dave and I are planning a vow renewal for next summer when we celebrate our 10th anniversary and will be holding a *very* small gathering in our backyard with much the same feel. It speaks to who we have become over these past (almost) ten years! We had the wedding that was totally us back then and now we'll have a celebration honoring who we have become (and thanking those who have been with us along the way)!
