
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

::Right Now::

Right now. I am:

::taking a break from posting about our wonderful trip to Vermont last weekend to share some beautiful photos of our day today.

::thinking there is nothing like learning the letter b by making clothespin butterflies!

::still smiling every time I walk by the beautiful wet on wet watercolor paintings Grace and I made together yesterday. 

::loving how we have settled into our autumn rhythm and are enjoing the adventures (or mellowness) that each day brings.

::happy that Dave is on vacation this week and is able to be a part of the parts of our day that he is not usually around for.

::looking forward to enjoying lots of delicious applesauce (and other things that we have canned) this winter. It will certainly be a nice reminder of things to come when the ground is blanketed in white. 

::honored to get to be present for so much more of the girls lives than I would if they were traditionally schooled littles.  Being able to watch them soar to new hights each day is, quite simply, the best! 

::grateful to have such wise friends (practicing bike riding on the empty deck is just brilliant!  Thanks, Sarah!)!

::in awe of the way things work out.

::thinking we shoulda had a third child.  We made a pretty awesome family of five this evening!

::ending lots of happy thoughts, heart beams and sweet dreams to our buddy Owen for a speedy recovery (and for a good night sleep for everyone)! 


  1. What an uplifting, thankful post. I especially took in where you said being present for so much of your children's lives. I needed to hear that today. I've been crabby at all the scuffles and whining and frustrations...and your comment helped me to keep it in perspective. We are here together...and that's pretty lucky!

  2. I am so glad that my words were able to brighten your day! We are so lucky to get to live such incredible lives, and even luckier to get to have a wonderful group of like minded families to connect with via our blogs/facebook. It truly makes the journey that much sweeter!
