
Monday, January 30, 2012

Afternoon Tea

Our friend (and the girls beloved yoga teacher) Alexandra joined us for lunch and afternoon tea today!  It had been quite awhile since we last saw her and after some emailing back and forth Alexandra and I decided that we must have lunch and get caught up.  I had decided as soon as we made these plans that instead of telling the girls who was coming for lunch that I would leave it as "a friend we have not seen in awhile is coming to lunch today".  I love surprising the girls, and I knew that they would be over the moon to see her when she arrived today.  And they were!  As soon as she pulled into the driveway they headed out to see who was here.  There was much rejoicing in the land when they realized who it was. The excitement was palpable and could have easily powered a small village.  Emma pretty much ran up the deck stairs, grabbed my hand and said: "Mama!  Come see!"  and dragged me outside to show me who was here.  We welcomed Alexandra in and the girls quickly showed her around then we all sat down to a lovely meal followed (a little later on) by a lovely afternoon "tea" of apple cider and the delcious and beautiful cupcakes that Alexandra made. It was a simply delightful day!  Tonight at dinner Grace said to me "Mama, I am so happy that we got to see Alexandra today.  Can we do that again soon?!"  I certainly hope so sweet girl, I certainly hope so! 


  1. How lovely! Those cupcakes look delish!

  2. It was such a great day! And the cupcakes were super yummy!
