
Monday, January 23, 2012

A Mellow Sunday and a Busier Monday

I am so behind in blogposts that it's probably going to take me all week (and two posts a day) to get through it all.  But before we get to the amazingness that was our first "girls weekend" away I decided to start with pictures from yesterday and today. After our fun filled weekend away, a mellow Sunday at home was just what we all needed.  We spent the day doing stuff around the house that needed doing and Grace spent the morning creating magnificent Lego creations.  The one you see below she specifically asked to have posted on our blog.
Later that day Emma joined me in making dinner and dessert.  She has really taken to cooking and baking, and loves to join in whenever a meal is being prepared.  We started our Sunday with the latest Pioneer Woman show on Food Network, where we saw her make Apple Brown Betty.  We decided that it looked like a good idea for Sunday dinner dessert and made sure to include the necessary ingridents on the shopping list.  It was delicious, though we think we may try a different bread next time instead of the wheat bread.  Perhapse either a heartier wheat or an oatmeal bread would be good.
Today began with getting ready for the girls first dentist appointment at their new dentist.  Thanks to my friend Emily for the fantastic recommendation!  Hopkinton Pediatric Dental is a perfect fit for us. Grace had been to her first dentist appointment the day after she turned three and it was such a horrific experience that we had not taken her to see the dentist since (terrible, I know).  Thankfully, one of our dearest friends had a great place to recommend and the girls had a blast!  They told Dave all about their adventures there at dinner this evening.  This office was so wonderful in that they have sibling appointments where both girls could be seen at the same time.  The staff was great.  They put the girls so much at ease that Grace, who is usually very shy in new situations was very chatty!  They even took pictures of both the girls "first" dental visit!
After their appointment, we headed over to Water Fresh Farm. It has recently opened and since we were pretty much right down the road from it we decided it was the perfect day to check it out.  Such a neat place, they grow all sorts of produce hydroponically.  What a great thing to explore, especially given the bean seeds we are currently trying to sprout (as well as the avocado seeds that don't seem to be doing much).  We chose two lovely bouquets of Daffodils (not grown hydroponically) and headed home.
Upon arriving home we recieved a lovely piece of mail! It was from the girls beloved art teacher, Miss Emily (more on her and their fabulous art class in another blogpost this week) and is our ticket to the Valentine Tea.  We can't wait, and are super excited that my mom is going to join us and complete our table of four!
And finally, my friend (and fellow Amity High School grad) Avital from The Mamafesto posted the link to her latest article for Bamboo Magazine.  She once again asked to interview me for a piece that she was working on, and that piece was released today.  If you click here it will take you to the current issue and if you look on page 72 you'll get to see us!  I should mention that we had just gone on our first lantern walk and Avi had asked me to talk specifically about that since it's not something that many people are familiar with.  And while we might not be the most Waldorfy family out there (I like to say we are unschoolers with a Waldorf flavor) it was a lovely experience and one that we look forward to participating in again.  If you check out the archives page and click on the link for the Fall 2011 issue you'll see us in there too (in the article about alternative education choices).  I had meant to post the link to that one when it first came out and sadly it never happend (and now was my chance to correct that)! 


  1. Wow, some wonderful adventures today. So happy both of your girls had a good experience at the dentist this time, so important.

    Love, love, love your interviews in the magazine, how wonderful for you. Thanks for sharing the links, I had no idea this magazine existed, you can bet I will be checking it out some more.

    Enjoy the Valentine Tea.

  2. Came over from the Bamboo article. I was also featured. Darcel from The Mahogany Way. I always love being introduced to new unschooling blogs. Your girls are so cute, and I really enjoyed the lanterns you made. Will need to do that with my kids.

  3. Rosemarie and Kim so glad that you girls enjoyed the article and loved Bamboo magazine! It's nice to have that one now that Mothering has ceased publication! I just wish you could get a hardcopy of it as I would love to be able to hold it in my hands when I read it and just soak in its beauty!

    Darcel, thanks for stopping by! It's so nice to meet you! I love checking out other unschooling blogs too and the ones from the article have been great!
