
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our Hopes for 2012

(Picture taken with Dave's iPhone)

Last night as we ate the requisite Chinese dinner on New Year's Eve we shared with each other our hopes for 2012. It was the first time we had done this as a family.  We felt that instead of choosing resolutions, which never seem to really happen, that we would share with each other some things that each of us hopes happens during the course of this year. 

"My hope for the new year is that Emma and I can still share a bed."
"I hope to plant pretty flowers."
"I hope that we get to play with our friends lots."
"I hope that Gretchen will snuggle with me."
"I hope that Albert will be OK."
"I love to learn my letters."
"I hope the birdies get alot of food."
"I hope for we always get to be together as a team!"

"I love to go to Crickets."
"I love to take care of Albert."
"I love to snuggle Mommy."
"I want to ride my bike."
"I want to bake a cake."
"I hope for other bike."
"I have hopes!"

"This year my hope for 2012 is the one hope I have each year.  To make sure that I make you and the girls as happy as possible."

In 2012 I hope that:
-we can continue to live this incredible life.
-our bond as a family grows even stronger than it already is.
-David and I can go out on one date night a month.
-I finally learn to knit.
-I get back into a normal yoga practice.
-we continue to enjoy the joy.
-we continue to learn together, love together and laugh together.
-we can (finally!) attend our first Unschoolers Rock the Campground!
-I find my tribe of much needed like minded mamas and unschooling families.

Our watchword for this year is harmony.  Last year was all about joy.  Enjoying the joy.  Finding the joy.  Embracing the joy.  As I thought about this year and what it' word should be I was honestly learning toward love.  Cause really, can you ever truly have enough love?  It's such a great watchword and one that is truly a big part of our world.  Love was the front runner until my friend Alissia said on Facebook: "harmony" comes to mind, when I think of a word to describe your keeping in touch with you through FB....keep on doing your thing! You are an inspiration."  And just like that our word was changed to harmony.  Thank you Alissia for your sweet words and for your wonderful suggestion.  It truly is the perfect word for us! 

Happy 2012, dear friends!  We hope the new year is off to a great start!


  1. Happy New Year!! May all your 2012 wishes come true :)

  2. Happy New Year, Shel! I hope all your wishes come true. (Especially the camping ;)

  3. Thanks girls! I hope our all our wishes come true too (especially the camping! So far it's looking good)!

    Many wishes for a wonderful 2012 for you too!

  4. What a wonderful list of hopes!! Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family!

    -Kerry @ City Kids Homeschooling
