
Monday, January 16, 2012


We are so excited that the Amaryllis plants are doing so well this time!  Our avocado seeds are not sprouting yet, but we haven't given up hope that they will.  The girls had an absolute blast using the tape measure to see how tall they were today (which then lead to using the tap measure to measure everything)!  It was a great way to spend a chilly winter day! 


  1. Oh, my little man has so much fun with a tape measure, everything gets measured. It can lead to hours of fun :)

    So happy your Amaryllis plants are doing well this time, so exciting for your girls.

  2. Love the pictures! Glad to see the experiment is going well. We once tried avocado plants as well and didn't have any luck. I hope yours are more successful! :)

  3. Thanks girls! I am so glad that the bulbs are actually growing this time! It was such a disappointment last year when it only sprouted one long green leaf!

    Kim, the girls played with that tape measure the rest of the day and then today too! They always have such a blast with it! I have a feeling your little guy and my girls would have a blast together!

    MamaTea, I am really not so sure that anything is going to come of the avocado seeds! Glad to know that you had trouble with them too. Wonder how much longer I should give them????
