
Monday, February 13, 2012

Family Nest

Part of the 10 Day Family Recharge was to create a family nest.  Family nests are something that we have always enjoyed, yet before this recharge activity we had never made a big one on the living room floor.  Prior to Sunday, when we created the family nest pictured above, we had always made them in our bed.  We would gather and snuggle together, read, play games,and just be.  So, when we read the email that contained this idea we knew that we had to build a floor nest!  Grace helped me gather the pillows and blankets while David and Emma were making dinner.  After dinner we changed into our jammies, gathered in our nest  to snuggle and watch some shows on Food Network (it's not a Sunday night in our house without Cupcake Wars)!  It was so great to have that snuggle time at the end of a busy weekend and something tells me that this won't be the last floor nest that this family makes!

The 10 Day Family Recharge is officially coming to a close today.  We still have a few activities that we have yet to try, but we figure this way it will just allow our recharge to last a little longer!  Special thanks to Erin for creating this wonderful experience!   We had such an amazing experience connecting even deeper as a family than we already were, and it was so wonderful to meet so many amazing people through the Facebook group!  Some of the people in the group write some of the blogs that I love to frequent and it was fun to get to connect with them through this shared experience as well.  I hope that Erin will hold this re-charge again! If she does, we will surely be joining in the fun again and we hope that you will join us too! It was an invaluable experience! 

***I know that I am a wee bit behind in the blogging (pictures from Mary Poppins night and the Valentine Tea coming soon!) and I also know that the pictures above are not some of my best. I am still trying to find the best setting for the camera to take night pictures in the living room.  Whatever I choose never seems to be quite right as the lighting in there is lower than the camera seems to want.  One of these days I promise to have that all figured out!  :)


  1. My girls LOVE to do this. We will watch a movie in front of the fire and usually someone falls asleep. My girls have been known to camp out with Dad in our nest -- but for the camp out we bring down mattresses......

  2. Ooooh, mattresses downstairs for a camp out! Will be filing that one away for future use! :)
