
Monday, February 6, 2012

I Love To Ride My Bicycle

This mild winter is providing the girls with lots of opportunities to ride their bikes.  Yesterday, as part of the 10 Day Family Recharge the four of us took a walk and the girls rode their bikes.  Today, being another glorious (albeit cold) day they had a chance to get on their bikes yet again. This time the location of choice was the deck, which seems to be one of their favorite places to ride.  If you are wondering why all our shoes are out on the deck the girls brought them all out there to give the "fairies who live in them some fresh air."  Oh, how I love that!  And yes, I am happy to report that Em will be getting a lovely new bike for her birthday (thanks Gramma and Grandpa!) as she has most definitely outgrown the tricycle.  But keep that just between us, OK?!  Can't wait to see what the 10 Day Family Recharge brings us tomorrow!


  1. My little man is having a ton of fun riding his bike too!! We really should not be riding in February, but with the warm temps and very little now, what else can you do :)

    Glad you girls have found a way to enjoy the mild temperatures, it looks like fun riding on the deck.

    Love the reason for the shoes out there, too cute.

  2. I love the wings. One must have the proper gear when riding and I do believe wings are on that list! ;)

  3. This "winter" has been amazing. We were just talking yesterday how the crocuses are in full bloom. It gives the girls lots of time for outdoor play which is so good for the soul.

  4. Jess, your crocus are blooming already?! We'll have to take a walk and see if we see any around here! It sure has been one amazing winter!

    Val, We totally agree! :)

    Kim, we should not be able to ride bikes either! For as much as this has been an incredible winter, part of us wouldn't mind some snow to play in too at this point!

  5. Love the wings.... precious!
