
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Painting Cherry Blossoms

Last week on Facebook I saw a picture of this project posted and I knew that we had to try it out.  So, yesterday, we got out some paint in an attempt to mix up the pretty pink color in the original posts picture (which we failed to do, though we did make a pretty color in the end regardless) and then the girls got down to painting.  I love how they were both so amazed that the bottom of the water bottles could make a pretty flower!  Such a sweetly simple project and one that we will surely do again for many springs to come!  


  1. Love this!! We will be giving this a try for sure, I think they would make lovely Easter gifts for the grandparents :)

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. What lovely pictures -- the cherry trees, and your photographs!

  3. wow! I want to do this with my kids! great idea!

  4. Thanks girls! I was thrilled that not only was it so easy to do but it came out so beautifully too! :)

  5. They turned out really well. looks like it held their attention for quite a while as well.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Jennifer @Dark blue dragon
