
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mini Yoginis

*Note to self: always make sure to check the camera settings before taking pictures after the girls have used it.  Otherwise, you get funky pictures!*

Today was the first day of the girls attending yoga class without me.  And while I was sad that our time attending class together has come to an end, I was super excited for them too.  They were completley over the moon to each have their very own mats, and were even more excited that their beloved yoga teacher, Alexandra, gifted each of them with their very own eye pillow to use during class (and to bring with them to and from class each week)!  The smiles on their faces when we picked them up spoke volumes.  The most telling thing was that Grace, who in the past has always wanted me to be present for things like this, said to me: "Mommy, we had so much fun!  And it's just a class for kids!  We don't need you to stay with us anymore."  My sweet first born daughter is spreading her wings, dear friends.  Testing them out and deciding that she's ready to take flight without me. It's a day that I always knew would come. I am so glad that she took her time getting to this point though.  I love that she has always been able to tell us what she is ready for, what she is not ready for and to remind us that she will "do it when it's her time".  Her ability to advocate for herself is amazing (I know I was not doing this when I was her age)!  Clearly, her time to be spreading her wings was today.  And I could not be more proud! 



  1. You are finding such amazing projects and programs! I would love for my girls to have a class like this. I searched everywhere when they were your girl's age. How lucky they are!!!


  2. Thanks, Jess! Oh how I wish that ya'll lived up here! I can just see your girls at so many of the things we do/places we love! One of these days we really need to plan a visit!
