
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First Letters!

There's a budding new writer in our midst!  For awhile now, Em has made a lovely E.  When she was first beginning to make her E she would often say "pull down" each time she made one of its arms (and her Es often had many, many extra arms).  Lately, however her E has had three arms and other letters have been appearing in her writing too (you should see how she signed her name in my parents 40th anniversary card last week). 
As you know we are not a family that pushes littles to do things before they are ready.  Instead we wait and follow their lead and see what they are ready for or interested in.  Grace only just learned the upper case letters last "year" (having no interest in it prior) and upon her request has begun to learn the lower case ones.  Since Em is the younger sister in a homeschool family it should come as no surprise that she is beginning to write.  She has the added benefit of seeing what Grace is doing and attempting it herself.  Now, this is not to say that she is always able to do everything as well as she would like to as quickly as she'd like.  There are many times that one of us gently reminds her that "it may not be her time" to do something that she desperately wants to do. That gentle reminder has been enough for each girl to be empowered and not discouraged, knowing instead that when the time is right they will be able to find success in whatever it is they are striving to do. 
With much patience Emma waited for "her time" and clearly her time has come.  We couldn't be more proud!


  1. I'm not sure if there's anything more thrilling! I teach Kindergarten so get to see this expression daily as my little students learn new letters...they really recognize the power of the written word and sense our very real excitement when they add new ones to their knowledge!! I always teach lower case first as they lend themselves easily to the next step: reading (most printed words are in lower case)...I've found that they kind of learn the upper case ones "organically" without being formally taught. My three year old has started printing the letters and saying the sounds. SO exciting! Love the way you captured your daughter's joy!

  2. So exciting, isn't it? Julia gets very excited when she draws something that "looks like" a letter she recognizes. (That's how she says it: "Mama, that looks like an H!") We also haven't pushed the issue and she's just picking it up & running with it. She started out making a sideways J that looked like a lower-case H and now she seems to be figuring out a new letter every day. It is *so* much fun to watch, and I can tell you're having fun with Emma, too! xo
