
Monday, November 5, 2012

A Trip To The Vet

Today we noticed that our sweet piggie, Parsnip, was limping.  One of her back legs seemed to be giving her trouble.  Of course, getting a Guinea Pig to walk on demand is like trying to get molasses to pour in the middle of the winter!  After a little bit of watching her we finally decided that a call to the vet was in order.  An appointment was scheduled for this afternoon and off we went. 
Parsnip weighs 830 grams and seems to be OK.  The vet did not find anything broken or fractured, and while he did agree that she is favoring that back leg he said that everything looked good. He did say that if she has not improved by Thursday he would like to see her again and then he would consider x-rays. Here's to hoping that a couple of days of rest (read: less cuddling than usual) will do the trick!

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