
Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Magical First

Yesterday at 2:30am Grace appeared at our bedside to tell us that the very wiggly tooth she'd had finally fell out.
As you can imagine, there was much excitement in our house. This tooth had been wiggly for quite some time and this past week it seemed to get looser and looser each day. We chatted with my mom that same night and she apparently went to bed thinking that this little tooth would fall out during the night. Smart Gramma.  
The tooth fairy box that we'd bought and tucked away many moons ago for her was brought out yesterday. There was much rejoicing over this sweet little box. "Oh, Mama, the fairy looks like me!"  and "I remember seeing this box at the toy store and wishing it could be mine!"  
All day long we waited for night to come so that the tooth fairy would arrive. Finally, it was time to head to bed. We went upstairs and she lovingly placed her box on one of her pillows.  

"Oh mama, I am so excited! I cannot wait to see what the tooth fairy leaves for me. Do you think my tooth fairy is a boy or a girl? I wonder if she will leave me a note and tell me her name? I think I will put my tooth in the box under this pillow over here and I will sleep on the other pillow over there so she doesn't have any trouble getting to the tooth and her wings don't get squished. I can't wait to show you what she left me in the morning!"  

It took her until about 11:30pm to actually get to sleep. In the words of my friend Emily: "better than Santa if you believe in fairies." Such a wise soul that Emily. We've never had any trouble with the girls falling asleep on Christmas Eve so this was a first for us. Needless to say, I was very grateful for the wisdom of Emily, who, too, has a house full of girls who adore fairies.  

The first time she came down very upset at the idea of the tooth fairy taking her tooth. "Do you think she'd let me keep this one mama?"  

Finally, she was ready for bed. I tucked her in for the fourth time and she sweetly drifted off to dreamland.  
Around 4:00am Grace crawled into bed with us."Mama, the tooth fairy came and left me a necklace!" The both of us promptly drifted back to sleep. She and I slept until 8:00am when Emma could not take the waiting any more and woke both of us up with "Grace, you are covered in sparkles!" Grace then showed Em what the tooth fairy had left for her and both girls skipped down to their room to see how much fairy dust was on Grace bed.  "Mama, there's lots!"  That's when it was discovered that yes, the tooth fairy did indeed leave a note!
If you look closely you may be able to see some of the fairy dust that currently covers her.  
It was truly magical!  And thankfully we'll get to experience it all again soon as she has a second very wiggly tooth in there. I'm actually surprised that both of her bottom teeth did not come out at the same time!  


  1. We shared this magical first at our home, too, just days apart!! What sweet little box......YAY for Grace!!

    1. Congrats to Charlotte on her first lost tooth as well! I love the post on your blog about it!

  2. How sweet! Congratulations to Grace! that fairy dust, box, and necklace is the sweetest! aww... to by young again!!!

    1. Thanks! She is still over the moon about her first lost tooth! Such a special time!

  3. How sweet!! And the sparkles, that much have been fun!

    1. Oh Kim, it was so much fun! So much magic and wonderful and amazing memories made! I have a feeling well be covered in fairy dust for quite some time!

  4. Oh.....this is bittersweet for me as my visits from the tooth fairy are coming to an end. This is lovely. My Lilah has all her teeth. She asks the tooth fairy to leave it behind for her. I have no idea what she plans to do with her teeth, but they are kept safe in her little box......

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I love that Lilah has kept all her teeth! From the first moment she asked to keep her tooth I was pretty that meant that all would be saved. I shared with her that Lilah has kept all her teeth and she keeps saying "that's so cool that the tooth fairy let her keep all her teeth." Clearly, the wheels are turning! :)
