
Monday, January 14, 2013

No Jacket Required

Today it reached just about 60 degrees!  The sky was a gorgeous shade of blue, the clouds were perfectly puffy, and the sun was happily shining down.  It was simply amazing!  A glorious day such as this surely calls for an adventure to be had.  And, as luck would have it, plans had already been made to meet up with my friend Julie at the Natick Community Organic Farm.  Our timing couldn't have been any better!
Someone get these girls a farm, please!
What started out as a simple errand of dropping off some yarn to my friend Julie turned into a completely lovely adventure.  Our time spent at the farm today was just what we all needed. Soaking in loads of Vitamin D and connecting with nature truly feeds our souls.  Watching the girls run with wild abandon and connect with their friends and the animals made me feel (once again) that they really should be farm kids.  They would do well with lots of land to explore, animals to take care of and gardens to tend.  Thankfully we have the last two covered!  Thank you Mother Nature for this gift of this day!  We girls truly appreciated it!


  1. Replies
    1. It really was! You and Reece would have loved it there!

  2. How fun! 60 though is cold for us South Texans! We are use to 80s in winter!..looks like a fun day...

    1. Such a fun day and so warm for us New Englanders for January! I bet that that our 60 degrees today (followed by 32 tomorrow) would feel down right bitter cold to you!

  3. Agreed! A preview of things to come! :)
