
Friday, February 8, 2013

{This Moment}

{This Moment} - A Soule Mama Friday ritual. A single photo- no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments section for all to find and see. For those of you who -like us- are in the path of the massive, potentially record setting snowstorm we send lots of good vibes your way for a fun-filled time and an easy dig out.  


  1. Love love love this!!! I remember oh so well how cool it was to have boxes and boxes of Girl Scout cookies in the house, ready for delivery! One year my Mom was in charge of distribution of them for a specific area of troups, and we had HUNDREDS of cases organized in stacks in the basement. It was a wonderland!!

    Yummy, sweet moment!

  2. Such a sweet moment! LOVE this.

    My moment is up for this week;

  3. so cute! Happy weekend and enjoy the snow!

  4. still gives me sugar shock, but man what I wouldn't kill for a thin mint

  5. Love this photo! Our GS cookies won't arrive until March 4th. You must get yours earlier than we do!

  6. What a good little worker!
    Hope you enjoy all the fresh snow.

    Jennifer @dark blue dragon

  7. Perfect! Such a good helper!
    Here is my {this moment}:)

  8. Thanks everyone! Yes, the sight of these cookies was enough to send me into sugar shock too! Our sale started before Christmas, an odd time to start if you ask me, which means the cookies arrived earlier this month! Now just to get them all to the homes they belong in before we eat them all!
