
Friday, March 22, 2013

{This Moment} A Girl And A Horse

{This Moment} - A Soule Mama Friday ritual. A single photo- no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments section for all to find and see. We wish you a sweet weekend!


  1. Beautiful! It looks like a very peaceful moment.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. What a sweet moment! So beautiful.
    Visiting from SouleMama.

  3. Cute! What a great moment!

    Here's our moment of the week (a baby's solution to a snowy day):

    Wishing you an wonderful weekend full of amazing moments!

  4. I think Mia will be a little horse mad herself, there are tons around here, such an awesome moment.

  5. beautiful! i love spending time getting back to nature.

  6. There is something special about seeing a little girl with a big horse.
    My sister and I also loved horses, for many years we'd play that our bikes are our horses. We took great care of them, fed them, brushed them, led them to the pasture, taught them tricks etc... ;)

    1. My girls do the same thing with their bikes! So glad to know that they are in good company! :)

  7. Beautiful! Looks like a lovely farm. Thanks for visiting my place earlier :)

  8. Lucky girl! I want to do that with the horses at my work!

  9. Sweet! My daughter keeps asking about a horse...

  10. Shel: Thanks for stopping by my blog; it gave me the chance to check out yours! I love your photos. What kind of camera do you use?

    1. Allison, believe it or not all pictures taken in 2013 have been with my iPhone (using Instagram)! In 2011 and 2012 they were taken with my Nikon CoolPix P500. I still use my camera occasionally but now that I have an iPhone (which takes such awesome pictures and is super easy to carry around) I usually use that! Thanks for the compliments!

  11. This is such a great shot! I love how you framed it. Beautiful!

    Thanks so much for stopping by earlier! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Sharon @ Discovering Blog

  12. Wow - I think I want that horse too! Beautiful moment xxx

  13. Thanks everyone for stopping by and for all your sweet comments! I read them to Emma and she loved hearing all of them! She is looking forward to the day that she can have her own horse!
