
Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Weekending

This weekend there was:
Coloring Easter eggs using shaving cream and food coloring.
Followed by Friday Night Pizza and Family Movie Night.
On Saturday the town egg hunt was held. 
25,000 eggs were found within three minutes!
Later on there was lots of time spent outside doing this:
And being in awe of this:
The next day we got all dressed up.
And went to church where we helped this:
become this:
We even managed to get a family picture taken!  
Finally, it was time for Easter baskets!
And getting to explore them outside made the day that much more lovely!

It was an absolutely delightful Easter weekend. One full of love, joy and way too much Easter candy!


  1. What a full and wonderful weekend. Love the family pic :)

  2. Thanks Kim! I was so pleased with how that one came out too!

  3. Love the Easter egg decorating with shaving cream! And I haven't seen those Flicka, Ricka and Dicka books since I was a kid - I'd forgotten all about them! I loved those books!
