
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Morning, Noon And Night

Thanksgiving morning brought with it the making of a new (and very yummy) cranberry bread recipe (along with confirmation that chopping cranberries is a terrible job), as well as the watching of the parade. It brought much excitement and the familiar smells of Thanksgiving wafting from the kitchen. 
Thanksgiving afternoon brought with it more cooking (these sous chefs of ours are truly amazing!), and the arrival of my sister. There was much chatting and crafting and noshing as we waited for the rest of our family to arrive. Dave's parents -immediately followed by my parents and brother- arrived and fryer prep was begun. The final piece to our meal would be ready in 47 minutes. 
The table was set, the obligatory two Thanksgiving group photos taken (one with me and one without) and an amazing meal was shared together that night. There was chatting and eating and laughing (oh, the laughing!) and game playing and movie watching and snuggling and lots of wonderful memories made. It was a glorious Thanksgiving day all around. Thank you, dear family, for making the journey north to share it all with us. It wouldn't feel like Thanksgiving without all of you! xo

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