
Thursday, January 16, 2014

In Which We Go To The Movies

Ah, the life of homeschool families! There's nothing like getting to see a movie in the middle of the day when the rest of the world is at school and work. And it only becomes even better when the movie you see in the middle of the day is one of your most favorite movies ever. Such was the case for all six of us today. Kathleen and I decided that this was definitely a movie worthy of a second viewing in the theater (since we all saw it separately the first time) and so we hatched a plan to surprise our littles with a trip to the movies this week. The girls were over the moon when they learned where we'd be going after lunch today, and were even more excited when they heard who we'd be there with! We settled in for a lovely afternoon spent with some of our most favorite people in the whole wide world watching one of our all time most favorite movies ever. It was fabulous to get to see these four sweet littles watching this very special movie. I loved getting to see their faces light up as the movie began and we were meeting (again) Anna and Elsa. I loved hearing who was saying lines right along with the characters and who was singing the songs. I loved seeing all four of them be transported into this film. And yes, I was choked up again just like I was the first time we saw it. I cannot help but see Grace and Emma as Elsa and Anna. The depth of the friendship of these two sisters (the movie ones and the ones that I am honored to be the mama of) made this movie all that more special for me! Disney, you have truly hit it out of the park with Frozen! Thank you for the gift that is this movie and it's absolutely wonderful message. It will forever hold a very special place in my heart. And. after the movie ended, as we headed back to the cars the girls all agreed: "This was the best day ever!" It was indeed!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE days like this. My Grace is desperate to see the movie again too. Her piano teacher just ordered the sheet music and soon my days will be filled with the music of this movie.
