
Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Usually at 9:15am we're just getting our day started. Usually we're still in our jammies and toying with the idea of breakfast. Usually we're just beginning to share with each other what we'd like to do that day. Today, though, the girls had other plans and got up and dressed and outside by 9:15am. Determination and a new kite are very powerful things, my friends. With very little discussion but a lot of teamwork their mission was accomplished when they got the kite airborne on their first try! Way to go, girls! What a fabulous start to a beautiful (albeit cold) day! 


  1. Perfect way to start the day! And look at your grass, apparently I am heading home to the same snow I left :( Have a wonderful day my friend. xo

    1. Kim, we are amazed at how much snow has melted! A few warm days did the trick! I hear we may be getting more snow tomorrow, though the total keeps changing so I have no idea how much (or if it will be any at all)! Safe travels, my friend! xo

  2. Enjoy it! We are going to try to get outside for a bit today. I'm really looking forward to Sunday; it's supposed to be warm *and* not raining! xo

    1. It was so cold this morning but they insisted that they needed to be outside! Word on the street is more snow is on the way tonight. Not sure how much, or if we'll get any for that matter, but the weekend's warmer temps will surely be welcomed and very much loved! xo
