
Monday, March 17, 2014

Good-Bye, Old Friend.

We said good-bye to our sweet, fifteen year old dog Albert today. He lived such a good and full life and was loved by all who knew him. The house is a little too quiet tonight and our hearts are left with a hole that only Albert can fill. We are thankful for the many years we had with our sweet guy. He was with Dave and I through (almost) ten of our (almost) twelve years of marriage. Through our journey through The Land of Infertility. To becoming parents- twice. Through good times and bad, Albert was there through it all. He was my constant companion, always, but especially these last seven-and-a-half years that I have been home full time. He followed me everywhere, no matter if I was simply going to the next room, he was always there making sure that I was safe and watched over. Good-bye, Old Friend. We will miss you, always. xo. 


  1. Hugs my friend. I never knew how hard this was until we lost our first dog four years ago. Thinking of you, Dave and the girls. xo

  2. So sweet! Albert must have had a wonderful life with your family!

  3. So sorry… you are in my thoughts.


  4. Thanks girls. I cannot tell you how much your sweet words mean to me. It has been a rough week over here, missing our guy and adjusting to the "new normal" of life post-Albert. The house is still too quiet and my heart is still aching (and I know it will be for awhile yet) and I haven't really been myself this week. Here's to hoping that each day brings a little more peace. xo

  5. I am so, so sorry to read of the loss of you dear, doggy friend. Our pets can feel like a family member, and a hole is left in our hearts and home when they are gone. Lots of hugs to you!
