
Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Ah, Easter must be upon us if there are white eggs in our house.
The first egg of the season. 
Dyeing eggs is serious business around here. 
"Is it ready? Should we put it back in?"
Just gorgeous. 

It was such a treat to dye eggs outside yesterday. It was windier than we would have liked but not terribly bad when we were out there which was lovely since it got super windy after we went inside. The girls barely needed my help, and probably could have set up the entire thing by themselves. I have a feeling that will be the case next year. It was lovely to sit and chat with them as they dyed eggs. They took turns dying eggs and making sure that each had at least one of each color in their box. Each year I think we'll go the natural egg dye route and each year, for one reason or another, there we are in Target buying the traditional Paas egg dying kit. Perhaps next year we'll give natural egg dyes a try (and use our usual brown eggs too)! 

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