
Saturday, May 24, 2014


Today I celebrate my thirty-eighth trip around the sun. And with that in mind I thought it would be fun to share thirty-eight things about me. Some you may know. Some you may not. Here goes.....

1,  I share a birthday with one of my oldest and dearest friends (my soul sister), Jannine. It is an honor to share a birthday with someone so near and dear to my heart. J, I wouldn't have it any other way! Happy birthday to us! xo

David and I were married during the August heatwave of 2002. In a church with no air conditioning. Our wedding day still stands as the hottest day in the last (almost) twelve years. For a girl who always thought she'd get married in either May or December this is truly hysterical to me.

3.  Ever since I can remember I always knew I wanted to be a mama. To four kids. Though I think we easily could have had six. I often look at Grace and Emma and feel like they really should have been sisters of many more than just each other.

4.  In addition to being a mama I always wanted to be a teacher.

5. I have two degrees that I achieved as a result of the above desire.

6.  In high school I felt called to become a minister. This is something I still wonder about from time to time.

7.  Ever since having the girls I have given serious thought to becoming a midwife. I was even briefly in midwifery school ('till I realized how hard it is to be a graduate student and a mama). Perhaps I'll make this dream happen someday.

8. Or maybe I'll become a Waldorf trained teacher.

9.  Clearly, I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up!

Being David's wife and Grace and Emma's mama is the best job I've ever had. I thank my lucky stars every day that I get to share this space and this journey with these three incredible souls. I am easily the luckiest woman alive! xo

11. Going through infertility was one of the hardest things we've even done but I do believe it helped to make us the parents (and partners) we are today! 

Homeschooling. I cannot imagine life any other way and am so glad that we chose to head down this path and live this incredible life. I am so very thankful for all that David does to make this life of ours possible.

13. Even though I have never been to Europe I have this incredible desire to move our family there. I have a feeling that we'd really fit in beautifully (places like Finland, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland being among the places I think we should consider).

14. I served as the officiant at my goddaughter Hannah's wedding. It was such an honor to be asked to fill that role and is a moment that I will cherish forever.

15.  Oprah Winfrey is a person that I would love to have a meal with. I wish I had gotten to attend a taping of her show before it went off the air. I would love to spend the afternoon talking to her and getting to know her.

16. Gilmore Girls is pretty much my all time most favorite show. Other favorites of mine are: Veronica Mars, The West Wing, Ugly Betty, Downton Abbey and Call the Midwife.

17.  Several of my friends have suggested I write a book. I am honored by this request and will try to make it happen someday. 

18.  Charlotte's Web, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, Little House on the Prairie and the Love Comes Softly books are some of my most favorites.

19.  For as much as I love having background music on I also love it when the house is super peaceful and the birds singing outside is the background music that our day goes by.

20. I really dislike coffee.

21.  My morning walk is sacred. Though I do so love having company (my girls or my dear friend Sharon) every now and again.

22.  I am determined to finish my application for the Daughters of the American Revolution.

23. Celebrating the change of seasons has become some of our most favorite holidays to celebrate. Winter Solstice pretty much trumps Christmas in my book.

24. My family means the world to me. Both the family that I share our sweet old farmhouse with and those who live outside its walls. One of the main reasons I often ask to move out of this state is so we can be closer to our extended families. I wish that we could be at family functions way more easily and that not everything required an overnight (or more) to do so.

25. I have been blessed with some really amazing friends and am eternally grateful for their love, support and friendship.

26.  Loosing Albert was one of the hardest things I've experienced. It hit me in ways I wasn't ready for. I am eternally grateful for those who truly got what that loss was like for me and were there holding my hand while I grieved his passing. 

27.  "My colors are blush and bashful."

28.  I am more shy and introverted than most people realize. I am better in smaller groups than huge crowds (though I can do fine with large groups if needed). Home is truly where my heart is and where I feel my most comfortable.

29.  This is not to say I don't speak up for what I believe in or for those who need speaking up for. I hope that I have empowered my girls to always stand up for those who can't speak for themselves. I never want them to have their voices silenced. 

30. I wish that our girls had been born at home. If only I knew then what I know now....

31. I am a helper. I love to be able to make things easier for people.

32. I love how the girls are always wearing skirts and dresses and have started to follow their lead on this. I have found myself feeling much more comfortable and much more myself since making this change.

33. I wear my heart on my sleeve. There have been people in my life (bosses etc) who have found this to be a character flaw, which I have never understood. If I wasn't this way I wouldn't be me.

34. I love our slower pace of life. I love learning (and teaching our girls) "old school" ways. Making things from scratch. Handwork. Gardening. Canning. Letter writing. Home keeping. Homeschooling. Various traditions. I love how much we all work together on all of these things (case in point: Tomato Day in August would not be possible if all hands weren't on deck)!

35. I love that the girls identify each other as their best friend, and I know they always will be.

36. I still think I am 25 years old.

37. The closer I get to 40 the more I am sure of who I am.

38. I can't wait to see what this next trip around the sun has in store for me! xo


  1. Beautiful post, Shel! A very happy birthday to you! I hope in this next trip-around-the-sun we finally get to meet in person!

    1. Thanks, Kerry! I really hope that we get to meet soon too! That would be a dream come true! xo

  2. Happy Birthday! I loved this list and I see we have so much in common!

    As you know, I'm a homeschooling mama too! I love, love, love Gilmore Girls. I was devastated when the series ended but I'm so thankful I have the DVDs. I love the Little House books and Anne of Green Gables too!

    I wear my heart on my sleeve too. I think it's overwhelming for some but, that's simply the way I am.

    However, I love coffee... but without differences, life would be boring.

    Wonderful post!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

    1. Girl, if it wasn't for reruns of Gilmore Girls I wouldn't know what to do! I was so beyond sad when that series ended too and I truly wish they'd do a reunion movie (or special)! I love that my girls have inherited my love for that show too! It totally reminds me of where I grew up in Connecticut (though we didn't have quite that many eccentric people in town)!

      It has been so great to meet so many like minded mamas, so many kindred spirits here because of my blog! I do so wish we lived closer so that we could get together too! I have a feeling we'd be fast friends! xo

  3. Thanks for sharing Shel. I sure hope you had the most wonderful day. I totally understand #37, I felt the same way as I approached 40, and my 40th year was huge in accepting who I am, and letting go of many things. Some of it was difficult, but in the end it was necessary and so good for me.

    Wishing all the best as you take another trip around the sun. Hugs my friend. xo

    1. Thanks, Kim! Knowing you has been such a gift! I look forward to the day we can visit in person and just chat for hours on end!

      Thanks for the birthday wishes and the wonderful card and seeds! I cannot wait to plant them! xo

  4. Happy birthday again! I wish you many more wonderful years to come.
    Your list moved me... some of the decisions you've made in your life are decisions I wish to make for myself.
    I didn't know you had fertility problems, so did we... It took 4 years (and many failed attempts) before we were blessed with our lovely daughter. After that, we thought we were destined for one child. Then our son miraculously arrived. At 39 (almost 40), I feel the most blessed I've ever felt. And I agree with you : The older I get, the more sure of who I am. And it's a feeling I wouldn't trade for all the white free haired-wrinkle free face of my youth!

    Keep being such a positive light.

    Yanic xox

    1. Yes, our journey through the Land of Infertility was not quite as long as yours but it sure was an experience that shaped us more than I ever expected! We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility so we had no idea what to expect when it came to getting pregnant again, and because they never found a reason why we couldn't get pregnant the first time they said we needed to try for six months before going to Clomid with monitored IUI cycle again. So, we figured we'd better start trying sooner rather than later and lo and behold I found myself all sorts of pregnant like a minute later (which was totally shocking to me and why they are so close in age)! :)

      I am so glad to have met you! Blogging has been such a blessing and has brought some truly amazing friends into my world! I hope one day we can meet in person too! That would be divine! xo

  5. Happy Birthday! I love lists like this (I did one on my birthday last year, and will again this year - I'd never seen it done until I did it, but you're now the third I've seen, including my own).

    We have quite a few things in common. Gilmore Girls - love. Coffee - hate. Homeschooling - love. And I too only wear skirts and dresses :). I don't even own pants except for my pajamas.

    God bless you.

    1. It has been such a joy to meet so many kindred spirits through blogs! My only wish is that we all lived near each other so we could all gather together in person! That would be the icing on the sundae of life!

      Yes, at this point pants are only for sleeping (or for when I go to Jazzercise, though I am thinking of going the athletic skort route for the warmer months)! I wish I had gone the skirts/dresses route so much sooner! It has been lovely!

      Thanks for the birthday wishes! xo

  6. #3. I often look at mine and think the same thing. We truly are so lucky, though, aren't we?
    I'm glad you had a lovely birthday. I hope this trip around the sun is the best yet. xo

    1. We are some of the luckiest mamas ever!

      It has been such a joy to get to know you and become friends with you! I cannot wait for our next visit, dear friend! Thanks for the birthday wishes! xo

  7. I agree, Rose! I look forward to the day we get to meet in person as well! I just know we'd have the best time! Thanks for the birthday wishes! xo

  8. A very happy belated birthday (I am so behind on reading through my blog list). May this trip around the sun be bountiful and joyous.I must say we have quite a bit in common reading through your list. Jacinta
