
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Last Page

Last week the girls finished their main lesson books. They had an absolute blast creating these sweet books and it has been so fun to look back and see all that they put into them this year! To see their growth from September to now, and to have something to look back on for years to come, is just wonderful. They took such pride in their books, and while we are starting to move into our summer rhythm they are also looking forward to seeing what goodness they will include in next year's main lesson books, too! 


  1. Replies
    1. So fun indeed! Yes and No to OM. Loved it for K but no so much for Grade One so we have switched to Waldorf Essentials. Grace just finished the WE Grade One book and it was such a perfect fit! I could go on and on about WE, if you want to know more let me know and I'll send you a longer message!

      Are you still using OM or have you switched to something else?

  2. Just lovely Shel. I can just imagine how lovely these are to look back on and how proud the girls are.

    1. Thanks, Kim! It really is super fun to look back at these books! Should you and Reece ever go the main lesson book route I just know you both will love them too! xo

  3. Julia is just tickled at these pictures. Her things for the coming year arrived last week & she is most excited of all by the main lesson books. She keeps telling anyone who will listen: "I have notebooks for school now!" xo

    1. I am so excited for ya'll! Main Lesson Books really are such a fun thing to watch come together! I can't wait to see her first page! Let me know if I can be of any help (having now done K twice)! You girls are going to have a blast! xo

  4. Wow -- it is so amazing to see the growth -- in the physical ways, but also in their knowledge and abilities!

    Bravo Mama!
